You describe your frustrations being in Missouri and trying to find someone to dive with.
Here in Boulder, CO, we have a very thriving outdoor-oriented community, with rock climbing, hiking, kayaking, camping, running, biking, etc. going on everywhere. There is a regular section of the paper devoted to these activities. Interestingly enough, the main article in that section the other day detailed the frustrations the writer had on her annual visits to her family in Missouri. She talks about how hard it is to find someone to do all those activities with her, or how hard it is even to find a place to do them there.
Amazingly enough, Colorado has among the highest number of certified divers per capita of any state in the union, and we really have no decent places to dive whatsoever. I think our official state motto is that we are just a plane flight away from really great diving. You at least have some caves (I'm told) nearby.
I don't think I offered you anything positive in this message, just an acknowledgment that you are not alone in desperately looking for something your area does not offer.