What reasons are they giving for backing out? Have you dived with them before?
It varies, family issues, can't get off from work, the SO puts the kibash on the diving,... you name it. Most from my shop, I have done dives with, as they have hung out when I went through my course at various times. My cave classmates, 1 has a really screwy work schedule, like mine, but on a different schedule. It took us 3 months to try to find when our schedules jived to get the class going. The other classmate is a physician in a multi doctor practice, so it can be a trick for him to get off at times.
Wow,... I couldn't have guessed that there were others with the same problem. My goals right now is to become better familiar with the caves, learn their features better. There is 1 diver that said he does want to go, but found out from others that he would expect me to dive more on his level (I'm no where near there) & probably would not be happy having to dive at my level (swimming- he likes to use a DPV). He has air consumption that would royally kick my butt & would become highly upset, if I had to call the dive due to gas on him. So,... until I can improve, that may have to wait. I am not yet qualified to carry a stage into a cave, so I still have some limitations, but at this point those limitations are OK by me. I don't think I'm dangerous in any way. New, certainly not perfect & I don't know all the ropes yet, but not dangerous. I am also able to take constructive criticism quite well. I realize I must crawl before I walk & walk bfore I run. Yes, I have future aspirations to do more,... much more, but for now, I must do my time.
As a slightly humorous side note, I just got a call from a cave diving gent at the LDS who has been a wonderful mentor to me in the past, called me a little while ago & said he's really seriously considering getting away from this nasty weather we've got right now (snow & sub freezing temps) to go down with me in Jan. I guess things will come together in its own time.
I am definitely going to have to go down & dive with some of you fine folks at some time. Looks like I'm going to have lots of time off at the beginning of the year & the week off every 5 weeks