Took the regs set to the LDS, had them gone over and tested--IP was fine, regs were great, it's all good. Until I get in the water for a dive today and I cannot get my octo underwater without it spitting air at me. I know, turn the thing didn't matter, it spit air no matter what. I changed it out real fast with another second I happened to have, but I'm not exactly happy with this--I want to use the freeflowing second (Conshelf). I was told it was fine, I particularly asked themto look and see if it freeflowed. Before this I had noticed that when I was not inhaling, it would "freeflow" lightly out of the exhaust valve. My main second, a SP R380, is working fine. I read some things that say my first has a leaking HP seat, but the LDS said the IP is fine. Also, the SP has not been having this problem. When I switched out the second, neither reg had problems. If the IP was creeping, then shouldn't a hose have blownup? Neither reg freeflowed, so something was stopping that air, right? Anyways, I think it's the second stage that's been tuned too lightly. Will the problem likely stop if I "detune" the second? how do Ido that? It's just that screw in the air inlet right? Which way should I turn it (I think left) and how much (about an 1/8" of a turn?)