free flow at 47m

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Scuba Instructor
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hi guys ,
i was on a dive this morn and i had a free flow on the 2nd stage at 47m . i was diving with a side slung and wasnt a great problem as i had a bail out .

do many of you divers dive with a bail out system . what type ,how much , ?
i was diving on twin with an isolation manafold and a side slung as my bail out .
im a tech . im just courious as to ho many divers out ther think of a main failure and dive with a bail out . its common practise in "the world of tech " but outside is it utilised .
I dive with a pony bailout frequently. Pretty much the only time I don't is if it's shallow and I'm with a known buddy.

(Practice is key -- knowing that the bailout is sufficient for the profiles you dive, including safety stop(s), using it often enough that it's not an issue when needed.)
i dont see it too often here in S Fl.- occasionally on some of the deeper recreational wrecks in th Keys you see someone with either slung 30 or 40cuft tank or set of doubles, but it is not common (unless they are techies)

I see it a little more often in the gulf on spearfishing trips - people with a 30 or 40cuft tank strapped to their main tank - but on those you are much more likely to be diving solo.

but then we are talking, for stuff down to say 130ft.....going any deeper and you would invariably see people with extra tanks (either doubles, bailout bottles or whatever) - in fact with all the fun litigation and liabilities in the USA you would be mandated by an operator to have such stuff if doing a really deep dive.
I'm missing something here. if you were diving with twins (doubles) why not just close the relevant valve to shut off the freeflow? Thats what doubles are for.

Were you solo? I would consider carrying a bail out bottle if diving doubles on my own but not otherwise.
i was diving with twins with an isolation manafold , solo diving in Ireland is a big NO NO .
Self suficency is promoted at all times during tech divin . for instance if you get sepaerated from your buddy and have a failer . you have to have your own bail out even if you can isolate

it is a horrible possition to put your buddy in . taking his gas espicaly if you hav deco to do .
I dive with a pony bailout frequently. Pretty much the only time I don't is if it's shallow and I'm with a known buddy.

a good practice my friend .

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