KrisB once bubbled...
Well, no. I was trying to make an attempt a political correctness (given the other threads you and I have participated in together).
well KrisB...that political correctness thing is meant to make you sound like a transexual...its built into the end up speaking as if cross-dressing and identity assignment surgery is next up for the afternoon. Thats why one should stay clear of it.
On another note... humanity was once egg shaped?!? Whose a$$ did you pull that from?
Yes, between an egg and a cantelope. Thats old hat KrisB...havnt you ever done drugs and watched teletubbies? Sure, the greeks believed that humanity was once eggshaped and rolled around extruding other eggshaped huminoids but then became flippant with the gods and so they were split in half....thus the birth of politcial correctness. A good take on greek myths, but totally erroneous and insane, and in no way supported by corresponding research, is Robert Graves The Greek Myths 1&2.
Now Graves had gone mad from his experiences in WWI, and these books are madness and pure invention by a shellshocked imagination...but they capture the insanity of the myths like no other. As long as you realize Graves is not on drugs and should be...they transmit the essense of the olympian sky religions like no other.
Well, I was thinking that the bottle would be ~$100 then another couple hundred for the regs, added to the forcefins. Comes out somewhere around $500. With taxes. 
Think like $240 for a 19cf...and you need another reg and 1st for this.....400 for regs/octo and first stage if it's economy...and 240 for fins....thats 900 without taxes, and i didn't include the reg and stage for the pony. On the other hand you could do some things to economize... expensive sport ay?
Yeah... some of those girls are hot. But some of them definitely aren't. They don't have the same "taste" in women over there. Besides, unless she's willing to get that bikini wet, she's not for me!
After one travels awhile...usually while sitting on a street of a major metropolis somewhere watching women walk comes to the shocking conclusion that the most beautiful women in the world are in Canada! And im not saying that to be patriotic...i'm saying it because it's true. It is really amazing whatever combination of forces that causes this...but Canadian women are most definately the most beautiful women in the world.
Can I count on a dive buddy if I come over there?
Yew betcha!
As a side note... if I was 20 yrs older, the Women of Saltspring Island would be just as appealing as the grass skirt girls...
Ahhhhh the women of saltspring...are there any so disgustingly evil and twisted by cannibilistic feminist ideology as the herpes plagued women of saltspring? Man you bought the koolaid. Believe me you don't want to go near any of them. Pure evil. It's like the island of circe...where sirens draw sailors unto the rocks and then turn them into pigs. In fact the 'real' society on those islands have been the most distopic societies i have ever seen. People entirely without honour, integrity or trust...just hippies slogans and earthfirst banners. It's almost, no not 'almost' it is like being among a cult which smiles brightly all day and all night and makes you think ''hey happy people' but evil lurks down below and when the gong strikes it's usually too late to do anything about.
saltspring island and a lot of those other islands are not too different than jonestown or heavensgate. Wierd man...and you DONOT want to get involved with any women from there......whew! i'll stop scared me there. Look write this down on a piece of paper incase the moderator cuts this out. You must never forget not trust anyone on those shiny happy islands...they are centers of sick and demonic cults. I'm not kidding at all either, this is no joke. Private message me if you want. Those hippies went over to the darkside a long time joke.