cost/ benefit analysis
assume they save you 10% on air alone.. that's an extra 6-8 minutes at 60' on every dive, for those who dive rebreathers that's potentially $8-$10 per dive less O2/trimix that you have to buy at the end of each dive. how many dives does it take to make them worth it, well that depends on the person and how they use it.
and before anyone else says it, I have been putting people in these fins for years, and everyone of them has had significant reductions in air consumption for the same dive, rarely do they believe it, until they put their old fins back on and repeat, shortly there after many buy a pair for themselves. however, nearly all of them were put in the Pro ForceFin.
besides- 90% of people have no need for this level of equipment. if all your ever going to do is putter about in clear, calm, warm, tropical water with your dive buddy then you have no need for these and even the cheapest worst fins on the market would be fine for you.
if on the other hand, you are a working divemaster, pushing doubles stage bottles, a large camera rig, or pushing pneumatic tools and salvaging crap off the bottom a fin like this may make or break the dive, is it worth it to you? I don't know, but then again, do you say the same thing about those who drive a Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, McLaren, etc at normal highway speeds when my Kia does that for less than 10% of price.
assume they save you 10% on air alone.. that's an extra 6-8 minutes at 60' on every dive, for those who dive rebreathers that's potentially $8-$10 per dive less O2/trimix that you have to buy at the end of each dive. how many dives does it take to make them worth it, well that depends on the person and how they use it.
and before anyone else says it, I have been putting people in these fins for years, and everyone of them has had significant reductions in air consumption for the same dive, rarely do they believe it, until they put their old fins back on and repeat, shortly there after many buy a pair for themselves. however, nearly all of them were put in the Pro ForceFin.
besides- 90% of people have no need for this level of equipment. if all your ever going to do is putter about in clear, calm, warm, tropical water with your dive buddy then you have no need for these and even the cheapest worst fins on the market would be fine for you.
if on the other hand, you are a working divemaster, pushing doubles stage bottles, a large camera rig, or pushing pneumatic tools and salvaging crap off the bottom a fin like this may make or break the dive, is it worth it to you? I don't know, but then again, do you say the same thing about those who drive a Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, McLaren, etc at normal highway speeds when my Kia does that for less than 10% of price.