foolISH Excursion; To the Edge of Reality and Beyond...

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Andy I was looking forward to meeting you and doing a dive but I do understand MOM takes presidence over all we all only have one MOM. Glad she didn't break it but sometimes a sprain is worse as in pain. Hope to get up with you in Aug. when I get back to diving.
Glad she didn't break it but sometimes a sprain is worse as in pain

yup... what the doc said too... we're looking at four to six weeks heal time,
minimum... oy vey

at least i live in the same town as my mom, so i could be there to help her
Well, my diving day did not get the best of starts. I ended up leaving late, and when I finally got there, I realized that my log book with my Cavern card was still at home. The only C-card that I had with me was my OW card, so I had to register as OW, so no lights & no overhead diving for me today. Oh well, wet in OW is better than dry at home. Let's just say I did a lot of reelwork & mask off drills.

First dive was 51 minutes with a max depth of 50 feet, second dive was for 1 hour with a max depth of 43 feet.

Thanks to Kevin & Jean for putting up with me.

Hey , you were great on the drills...(David)
I was informed that I did try to induce er , a certain individual (Kevin) to come over to da siphon side...(He said I kind of looked like the grim reaper in that movie ) :11:
Hey , it was all about who had the light...
I think a fun time had by all except when we got the basin silted out by some "real divers".

Well , you know , Bubba warned me about those "Real Divers" anyway...

I think it was David and Kevin that put up with me...Thanks you two ... Your patience was golden...


P.S. "Real" in anyway shape =OR= form does NOT mean 'reel'...
Besides , I did all the "reel" work I needed to ... Good thing no one had a camera...I tangled a safety reel SO BAD that it made Andy's "haunted reel" look like a brand-new reel right off of the shelf... :11:
So much for my 1st try at reeling up a spool trying to exit a siphon...
Yeah Jean I was going to ask you about that. How do you spagetti a reel in a siphon? I would think you would have wound that thing tighter than a Banjo string but you managed to birds nest it . I think its good to out kick the flow and jam a reel I could not have did it. I had to pull myself out of there on the bottom. I thought that Peacock3 and Cow down stream was a siphon but not even so LOL. Now that was a Siphon strongest I have been in for sure. I was thinking for a minute you guys were going to have to pick me up at Manatee LOL. But you both JEAN and DAVID did very well on line Drills and Jean you and David owe me a dive in Peacock I have dove with you guys and traveled to dive with you guys so when you get your Intro. in Aug. you will have to come see the peacock system we have several dives to do there and lots to see. You will love peanut tunnel.
P.S. "Real" in anyway shape =OR= form does NOT mean 'reel'...
Besides , I did all the "reel" work I needed to ... Good thing no one had a camera...I tangled a safety reel SO BAD that it made Andy's "haunted reel" look like a brand-new reel right off of the shelf... :11:
So much for my 1st try at reeling up a spool trying to exit a siphon...

Now didn't I warn you about the Curse of Andy!? Come on, fess up, YOU LET HIM HOLD YOUR REEL, DIDN"T YOU!?!!! :D
Come on, fess up, YOU LET HIM HOLD YOUR REEL, DIDN"T YOU!?!!! :D

bah... all i have to do is stand in the same parking lot as the reel, and there
you have it... curse is passed on

some people claim my range is as much as 100 yards.. but... well... i think
they exagerate
Yeah Jean I was going to ask you about that. How do you spagetti a reel in a siphon? I would think you would have wound that thing tighter than a Banjo string but you managed to birds nest it . I think its good to out kick the flow and jam a reel I could not have did it. I had to pull myself out of there on the bottom. I thought that Peacock3 and Cow down stream was a siphon but not even so LOL. Now that was a Siphon strongest I have been in for sure. I was thinking for a minute you guys were going to have to pick me up at Manatee LOL. But you both JEAN and DAVID did very well on line Drills and Jean you and David owe me a dive in Peacock I have dove with you guys and traveled to dive with you guys so when you get your Intro. in Aug. you will have to come see the peacock system we have several dives to do there and lots to see. You will love peanut tunnel.

Yes , sounds wonderful...(Peacock)

Well , the line jammed on the hub and instead of sitting in the siphon and try to er , unjam it , I thought that I better get the heck out of there and just wrap the line around the reel...I did a few winds , and then hopped up on my knees , another few winds , another hop etc ...

David: Yes , you warned me...Da curse !!! I've got it now...
Andy: You have quite the range , let me tell you !!!

Er , now a question?
Since Andy has passed it onto me , does it mean Andy doesn't have it anymore AND can I pass it onto someone else?
Inquiring minds want to know...

bah... all i have to do is stand in the same parking lot as the reel, and there
you have it... curse is passed on

some people claim my range is as much as 100 yards.. but... well... i think
they exagerate

Exagerate you say! I think as the skill level advances so does your curse. But it is better to give then to receive
Yes , sounds wonderful...(Peacock)

Well , the line jammed on the hub and instead of sitting in the siphon and try to er , unjam it , I thought that I better get the heck out of there and just wrap the line around the reel...I did a few winds , and then hopped up on my knees , another few winds , another hop etc ...

David: Yes , you warned me...Da curse !!! I've got it now...
Andy: You have quite the range , let me tell you !!!

Er , now a question?
Since Andy has passed it onto me , does it mean Andy doesn't have it anymore AND can I pass it onto someone else?
Inquiring minds want to know...


Jean looked like you did fine with a good reel in your hands or was it that you were intimidated not to jam my reel? LOL Just ribbing you JEAN I think we have all jammed our reels at one point. But for future reference pour Holy Water on them and and do not let Andy touch them any more LOL . I had same problem with reels till I bought my reels I now have I have never been able to use those reels you have.
Gibbon and I arrived at about 10:30 after a late start and a bunch of unexpected stops along the way. Gibbon said there were a bunch of divers already in, and that the main area was closed. Since we had the kid and wife, and they'd not be content to just sit and wait for us to run our dives, we hung around at a table by the sink and ate breakfast and chatted. Then we walked to the boardwalk and looked around until the lightning picked up and we headed for home to catch Batman Begins at the theater. Since we never saw anybody we knew and there were already a few divers in and a class heading in shortly, we didn't figure on taking the time to suit up and drag gear out for a single tanker. Had I known you guys were still around, we would have!

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