Florida Conch Divers - Roll Call Banter

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ok, the updated list is now the first post on this thread, and it shall be so
for posterity (or something)

i think the plan is for both Virus and Simbrooks to update the list every-so-often, and to cover for each other, and I will continue to post the "newest" list as the first post
Andy, i have been adding the people as they disclose their info, and dont mind continuing to do so. Should i email the list periodically to you to put on that first page rather than putting up posts every so often? Or would it be easier to just post the list and you take it whenever?
hmmm... well.... your call... all i will do is cut and paste the newest version onto
the first post and update the "updated by" and "updated on" entries
Ya know, ya'll could just delete all the posts excep the first post that has the list on it. Then whenever anybody adds their name, add it to the list, and delete the post...of course that might be too simple :wink:
Yes that would be too simple and of course would delete all the witty banter that has ensued in the previous 214 posts - now would you do that to all those people who have tried to sign up here???

If you want to make life simple, go ahead and do it, i really dont mind as long as i have a chance to update the list before posts are deleted and repost it before those requests are made.

Trust you Jenny to think of a more logical solution than an engineer and a lawyer (actually i think Andy is planning on asking for money for his time here, i think he might be $150 an hour or so :wink: ).

well, i never considered "deleting" the body of this thread, but at 216 posts, it might
be worth trimming it down a bit
dang it...

actually... what i really intended to do was split the thread, but i didn't mention it
becuase this... was... a test.. yeah, a test...
ok.. this is the "banter" split off from the Roll Call Thread

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