Florida Conch Divers - Roll Call Banter

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lol, i know i can do it, just want to make sure it's kosher
vest.... sticky
Sticky vest, now that sounds like FL - at least most of the time :wink:
it be done
I'm so proud of you Andy :D
i'm pretty darned proud of myself too...

And well you should be...
Ok, Andy gets a pat on the back, now lets stop clogging this thread up so that the new FL divers can find it and not get side-tracked. Yes i know i am further clogging it up by posting - its like the person who makes noise to shush people at the movies :wink:
ok, the updated list is now the first post on this thread, and it shall be so
for posterity (or something)

i think the plan is for both Virus and Simbrooks to update the list every-so-often, and to cover for each other, and I will continue to post the "newest" list as the first post

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