Diver0001:I cut out portions of the quote and the snip shows where. Is it confusing? I didn't realise it was confusing people. Maybe I should stop doing it.
I see snips on lots of sites. there's no reason to stop doing it.
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Diver0001:I cut out portions of the quote and the snip shows where. Is it confusing? I didn't realise it was confusing people. Maybe I should stop doing it.
[Is it confusing? I didn't realise it was confusing people. Maybe I should stop doing it.]
Because I dive with steel tank? depending on the day (if I am more or less calm) I use 8 or 9 kgwolf eel:Is your suit a one piece if so then I can not understand how 22lb's is to much weight. That is about what you would need
My diagnostic too.wolf eel:Do not take this wrong it seems you where a little excited as that may explain why you had hard time clearing
As I did't stop completely, I cannot say that he would not had stopped too.wolf eel:Also stop and clear the leader should stop may not be with you as in a foot away but waits for you. If not abort as that person is not the kinda person you need to deep dive with.
The plan was that he go first, but as I had difficulties it would have made more difficult to keep an eye on me. What he did, and we didn' t loose time in deciding to abort the dive, once i saw that it would hahe beeb insecure to go on.wolf eel:Bad pre dive plan as this should have been talked about before the dive
I never turn on + on surface, otherwise there is a huge risk of free flow. I usually turn it in the first meter down, this day I forgot. At small depth it is of no consequence, I breath easily on -.wolf eel:Again not planning your dive also no buddy check or did you ?
I do not think so much that it is a mistake, except that his comments afterwards let me think that he didn't realise that I had not enough air in my BC.wolf eel:No mistake at all at depth you signaled you had trouble breathing not that you where sinking.
Usually, I clear very easily, so I didn't thought about the need of a warning.wolf eel:I would just explain it may take me a second to clear on the way down so watch me. That way everybody is of the same mind set.
I completelywolf eel:Allways watch your decent keep it in control Your bouyancy is everything.
A steel tank is always negative.^*^BATMAN^*^:ok, im confused by doing it with a empty tank, i understand the bouyency characteristics of the tanks, but i have never had a problem, because at 15ft you wet suit is fully compressed, so you are a bunch less bouyent, so really you would be neutral(approx) beacause the tank gives you 4lbs positve, but the compressed suit counter-balances that.
Aqualung Legend Supreme. So in fact an Apeks.TX101:So Bretagne, the reason you called the dive was because you felt that you couldn't get enough air at 40m? Which regs do you have? (sounds like apeks) I have dived to that depth and accidently kept the reg on (-) and the adjustment turned all the way down and had no problems..
-I am used to low vis, but when I am close to the rocks7595:I feel your pain . her eis what happend to you .you take alook and see the dm long gone and you worry about loseing him ,your husband is close but you still have more trust in dm .as your ears take long time to clear (my does always) the dm now puts you incharge adding to your anexcity ,the low vis the depth all take there wich lends it self to being narked. to correct this from happening again . first make rule on all dives 1 meter or closer and everyone takes it slow.2 put your trust in hubby not dm.have your reg checked out to see if it needs repair .I to some times get nervous on deep dives mostly because I change buddy'sand not to sure if I need them they wil be there.
I do not need less weight at depth, but I need more weight for my safety stop when I have dived shallow, otherwise I rocket to surface. And I do not like polaris missiles.divenut2001:You don't need less weight at depth you need more "AIR" in your BC. You weight yourself for the "END" of the dive so that you're neutral @ 15ft when you do your safety stop.
I do not hire a DM (as i do not pay anything more for it). The dive shot asks us: deep dive this morning, is it OK for you? and they make the groups according to diving laws. A N4 is not a professionnal, but it is a necessary stage to become professionnal. We had already done a deep dive with this guy, It was nice, and I am confident in his abilities, I just wondered about his comment once we were on boat again.wolf eel:If you hire a DM make sure it was the right person for the job and do not change command half way.
The DM did not place you in control but was in control to watch both of you. Be very carefull who you hire and again if it does not look good then abort.
Does your husband have any more or less dives under his belt ?
You did the right thing completley. I think your DM also did the right thing he/she may have not discussed it fully but then nobody did. You have a responsibility to yourself and be prepared to do proper checks and do a dive profile and dive it. if your loveed one is in trouble stay out of the way as others may see clearer. And if you are more trained do what is right not as your emotions dictate.
it is why we need someone else to go deeper than 20m. We have learned how to help each other and uplift an unconscient diver from 20m. Even if the principle is the same from 40m, it is less easy to do, more possibilities of wrong doing (as we have more air in BC - normally-divenut2001:Have to disagree with you there ole buddy. If spouses are to dive together then they have to be able to help each other when in trouble. That's what buddies are for, they do not stay out of the way, they assist. Sooner or later it will be just the 2 of them and if there's a problem they'll have to deal with it with no help.
What is the method to send a shot line which do not drift when the boat is not anchored? I am curious. It is true that the descent without reference was part of the problem.Diver0001:It sounds like you descended through the green/brown without a reference. It would have been an easy matter to descend along the slope of the bottom or to put up a quick shotline for reference. I would take this as a lesson too. Descending with a reference would have solved the problem of landing much deeper than you expected and may have given you more control (not drifting) when you were sorting out your ears and would have made it less trouble to keep the group together.