Fisheye FIX for the S90

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Thank you for the quick and useful reply.

I looked at your photos at - awesome pix! I especially liked cave light and Lembeh ones. Many of them are taken with DSLR (D90, D80) and the last ones with s90. How do you compare the DSLR and Canon s90 experiences? Why did you switch if it is not a secret?

Looks like they have a new adapter to replace the $189 ones. I bought a complete setup from Backscatter and the day before my order shipped they let me know about a new 52mm adapter that let me hook up the UWL-04 lens. It was only $48! I just tested it last night... really nice fit. I have to give BS props for offering the sell me the cheaper one when I didn't even know it existed and had already agreed to pay $189 for the overpriced adapter.
Looks like they have a new adapter to replace the $189 ones. I bought a complete setup from Backscatter and the day before my order shipped they let me know about a new 52mm adapter that let me hook up the UWL-04 lens. It was only $48! I just tested it last night... really nice fit. I have to give BS props for offering the sell me the cheaper one when I didn't even know it existed and had already agreed to pay $189 for the overpriced adapter.
Thanks for the good news, browncd81

Do you know the exact name/make/part # of the new adapter?

Just got my setup in... well all but the 10bar adapter. Probably wont do a pool dive till next week unless im lucky and get to do it this Friday.

Wonder if there will be more made soon.
Another, this a self portrait using the Inon 100WAL plus dome, bow of the Spiegal:


What a trip, lost, then found, small miracles (a story to be told), cloudy water, rough seas, storms and whatever.

Buddy models for me beside the plaque, Inon 100WAL plus dome:


A friend I met along the way, Inon 165AD fisheye lens:


What could that be, Inon 165AD:


Oh, a green moray, Inon 165AD:


The lack of sun and cool temps brought out the dry suits for some, Inon 100WAL plus dome:


Another dry suit diver, native port at 28mm:


The two dry suit diver photos above were both taken from approximately four feet, one with WAL and the other native port as an example of the different perspective each offers.

You know, these were probably not optimal conditions to be learning a new camera, I burned up a lot of electrons but at least they are cheaper than film. But, I am gaining on it, the S90 and FIX housing combined with Inon lenses and strobes has high potential for being a winner and it travels light.

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Nice, Nemrod! I envy you that Spiegel Grove dive... wanted to hit that one for a long time now.

Were any of the WA shots zoomed in a notch, or were they all full wide? How did it "feel"? Wide enough?
They were all zoomed to 35mm. Yes, just as wide as the same lenses on my Canon A570 at full wide (35mm). None of the photos above are cropped in any way. I did play with levels etc on Photoshop but the framing is what it was. Most of the shots above were taken from only a few feet distance to subject. The water, especially up Jupiter way was cloudy, viz so, so and no sun to help. Fun nonetheless, one of my favorite places to dive.

Here is a story, I lost the 165AD lens! Yep, it got knocked off the camera on the platform while it was being handed to me in 3 to 5 footers. I hit my head on the underside of the platform also and when I got my senses back the lens was gone, gone, gone. But, would you believe, that approximately 1.5 days later after we had left Jupiter, I got a call from the guys at the wonderful dive shop there and guess what, yep, they had the lens and it is no worse for the wear!!!!!!!!!

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So Nemrod, how do you like shooting with the 100WAL vs the UFL-165AD, and how crisp are the respective images (can't really tell that on these uploads). A few months back, I wasn't really interesting in the wide angle shots, but photos from you and others have changed my mind. I'm intrigued by the smaller and much less negative UFL-165AD lens, for both travel and ease of handling.

Good to see you finally get to use your new setup.
So Nemrod, how do you like shooting with the 100WAL vs the UFL-165AD, and how crisp are the respective images (can't really tell that on these uploads). A few months back, I wasn't really interesting in the wide angle shots, but photos from you and others have changed my mind. I'm intrigued by the smaller and much less negative UFL-165AD lens, for both travel and ease of handling.

Good to see you finally get to use your new setup.

A few more, Jupiter is known for drifit diving and drift we did , it was sort of like "Drive By Photography" and you either get the shot or you don't as the current sweeps you past at Mach 1. There is no time for set ups, fiddling with settings, when a shot presents, you take it or forget about it because there is no staying in one spot or going back :(.

Hey big fellow, 100WAL plus dome:


Mind if we join the party, 100WAL plus dome:


A wreck loaded with grouper, turtles etc, 165AD:


Pretty turtle, almost tame, native port, 28mm:


From the hatchway on the Spiegal, 100WAL plus dome:


The 165AD is a little sharper overall and most definitely lighter and easier to handle but it may tend to vignette ever so slightly in the corners, occasionally with the 10Bar adapter, with my DIY it does not. The 100WAL plus dome is very heavy on this little camera but is a great lens to shoot.

As I have said before, if starting from scratch the Fisheye lens UWL-04 is a serious contender but for those who like the Inon lenses or who already own them as I do then they are certainly excellent choices on their own merits.

You are never going to get the "sharpness" and pro level quality from "universal" wet lenses that you will from a dSLR with designed for the camera system optics. Can this system, the S90 and FIX90 and wet lenses take quality photos, YES!

A few more for the record, as I said, there was a lot of sediment in the water due to the constant current and the gaggle of divers.

All three shot with the Inon 165AD:




The DM, Inon 165AD:


A friend with camera and unshielded optical sync, Inon 165AD:


I shifted to manual to set up to purposely blur the fish to emphasize motion but I only had about a second to get set, success was not mine to be had, Inon 165AD:


I will add another bit of info, battery life turned out not to be an issue, shooting 100% of the time in both sTTL and manual strobe, I got 154 shots with the Canon battery and 181 shots with the "other" battery. If I had been shooting a normal mix of strobe and available light more than 200 shots would be easy. Since we were making both two tank morning and afternoon dives, I swapped batteries on land between trips.

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