She looked across the table at me and told me, flat out, that she resented me for it.
This may be worth gently following up later, as there are different issues that might be in play and some could be trouble if not handled well.
1.) She may resent you going off for a fun-filled tropical holiday without her. Basic jealousy, a normal human reaction. Perhaps she could join her mother or a close buddy and go do something they really like.
2.) Perceived self-indulgence - you're spending a lot of 'family money' on just you. This kinda sounds bad, but look at it from another angle; how would a lot of guys react if they came home from work and discovered their wives had just 'blown' 4 grand on a diamond necklace? I'm not saying that's wrong, just that the example makes the underlying dynamic more relatable.
3.) Feeling threatened - dive trips generally do not entail sipping Pina coladas by a sandy beach while the buff and beautiful cast of Baywatch jaunts back and forth and bikini-clad supermodels strike poses, but I suspect some people don't like it when their spouse goes off 'unsupervised' in group activities where there are participants of the opposite sex. No one will care to admit this about themselves, and some may be tempted to vilify people who feel this way as insecure, but look at the adultery and divorce statistics before you judge.
4.) Enmeshment/Rejection - has a negative perception in our society, but people often get married in part to 'be together,' and a solo vacation says 'I'm gonna go have fun without you.' This topic has been addressed in other threads, and can be a little touchy. Some couples are 'joined at the hip,' as they say, and some would bite each others' heads off if they didn't get some 'me time.' Some couples make diving a 'couple activity' and won't dive without each other; some people do what they like, and if their partner wishes to join the fun, they're welcome, and I'm gonna do what I wanna do! If this is your 1st solo vacation in 17 years with her, well...
Nobody wants to be perceived as selfish, jealous and insecure, or overdependent and 'clingy,' so these aren't easy topics to get at. But if one is in play, it could be important.
P.S.: You might want to use your smart phone for convenience and take a few photos every day and shoot off an e-mail saying you're thinking about her, and sharing the experience with her as much as you can. Might smooth things over a bit. Unless she reads this thread and hates my guts.