What's really scary is that, with the exception of the obvious times I've written about, I don't FEEL narced, or drunk, or stoned, at say 60 feet. I feel fine. When somebody throws a problem at me, I do my best to solve it, and I usually don't feel too awful about the results. It's when I surface and realize how long it took me, or how suboptimal the solution was that I came up with, that I know that I just can't think underwater the way I can on the surface. If I couldn't do better dry than I do wet, I'd never be able to do the job I have.
I've fished with live shrimp while diving at 100 ft (we were catching graysbys (little grouper relatives) for research). It was amazing how much harder it is to do simple things like bait a hook at 100 ft. On nitrox, though, baiting a hook at the same location at 100 ft was trivial.