Solo off of a boat is out of the question for me for the following reasons.
1. On the east coast of florida, north bound currents 2 knots plus. Of course you can hang onto a down line but that is a hazard to navigation.
2. Someone could very well jack your boat if unattended
3. Squalls can come up rather unexpectantly (especially in the summer) and blow your boat into the next state.
4. All of the above.
If I am going off of a boat then there is always someone on board, if for no other reason that to let the authorities know were to look for the body.
1. On the east coast of florida, north bound currents 2 knots plus. Of course you can hang onto a down line but that is a hazard to navigation.
2. Someone could very well jack your boat if unattended
3. Squalls can come up rather unexpectantly (especially in the summer) and blow your boat into the next state.
4. All of the above.
If I am going off of a boat then there is always someone on board, if for no other reason that to let the authorities know were to look for the body.