Awful lot of assumptions being made here about what the crew "absolutely knew" based on zero evidence. There's a world of difference between (1) What it covered in Egypt, and (2) If it was, did the crew see the coverage?
Horrific as the
Conception disaster was, I have plenty of friends around the world, all divers, who said it was only fleetingly covered in their local media.
And to reverse this notion about who knew what and when, given the Conception tragedy, wouldn't you think EVERYONE certainly in SoCal would be aware of the RS1 fire, especially given the similarity of circumstances? And the answer is, based on my interactions with people, that probably 95% of the people I've talked to in the last few days were not aware of the RS1 incident.
So "everyone knows" is NOT a good assumption IMHO. (But everyone knows that . . .)