Fins suggestion

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I have to ask, why pink fins?
How often do you turn around and look at your fins?
Easy to find in a pile of fins on a dive boat, No guy will steal them , [I am not so sure now],?
OK, your choice, "I get it" [what am I saying? I have failed to "get it' and understand women in 74 years, why try to now]. :giggle:
Such fun.

Back on topic.
Does she need a reason to like pink and want pink fins?
Personally, I love my camo blue JetFins. The go perfectly with my blue santi... and blue smurf gloves and Blue Hs on my wing... Oh... and on a boat with all techie guys... getting someone to get me my fins... the BLUE ones... is always easy!
Oh... and on a boat with all techie guys... getting someone to get me my fins... the BLUE ones... is always easy!
:giggle: My fins, if you please, that's a good fellow, and be quick about it, yes yes the blue ones, these 'techie fellows' are remiss in their training.
Again, such fun.
Have a laugh.
I have to ask, why pink fins?
How often do you turn around and look at your fins?
Easy to find in a pile of fins on a dive boat, No guy will steal them , [I am not so sure now],?
OK, your choice, "I get it" [what am I saying? I have failed to "get it' and understand women in 74 years, why try to now]. :giggle:
Such fun.

Back on topic.
At one point in my career, I had a desk right next to a conference table. I couldn't keep any writing utensil of any kind. There were a couple women who thought it was funny and got me a set of colored pens to see which one would last. One of them had pink ink in it. Nobody took it, so I used pink ink. It was a construction company, so that was a little different, and I always knew I would have a pen. Until one of the guys in the field, who couldn't spell closet let alone be in it, tried to swipe my pink pen. I told him I didn't care how gay he was, he wasn't going to swipe my pink pen.

I would use all kinds of pink gear. Since nobody would swipe it. Except for the OP, maybe.

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