Fins suggestion

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What kind of fin techniques are you currently using? I think you said you were considering intro to tech classes, which might change your preference somewhat.

I do 90% frog kicks, a few back kicks and heli turns, and the occasional flutter if I need burst speed or a tiny modified flutter/frog if space is limited. Mostly it's kick and glide. For this use, short stiff blades like the D6 or the Jetfins are great as it gives you a lot of power and control, where small corrections give instant feedback, and you glide far with each kick. If you use them for a constant straight leg flutter, they will be very heavy/tiring to use.
I've actually started my DMT 😁 I looked into Intro to tech but none of the schools here was actually doing the intro, just the Tech 40-Tech 65 etc. so I've decided to start the course and look into tech later, as it's quite expensive!

I do the same as you! But I did like the PSI fins. I think some of the instructors here has the Jetfins so I might ask her to try hers and see how I like them!
Another vote for Mares Quattros as they are wonderful fins. They come in several colors. No pink but they have a bunch of colors. Yellow, blue, black, white, lime flame and aqua/white. I have them in white.
I'm sad because they would be a good fit but I don't like/want any of the other colours 🤣🥲😅

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