Fins suggestion

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I would prefer longer fins and I find them better to dive with! But I will have a look at these.
What kind of fin techniques are you currently using? I think you said you were considering intro to tech classes, which might change your preference somewhat.

I do 90% frog kicks, a few back kicks and heli turns, and the occasional flutter if I need burst speed or a tiny modified flutter/frog if space is limited. Mostly it's kick and glide. For this use, short stiff blades like the D6 or the Jetfins are great as it gives you a lot of power and control, where small corrections give instant feedback, and you glide far with each kick. If you use them for a constant straight leg flutter, they will be very heavy/tiring to use.
Are you diving drysuit or wet suit? Your profile mentions London...
Personally I'd go for any JetFinstyle if your are doing the coldwater drysuit route.
Another +1 for Mares Quattro. I've used ice set for 24 years now. They had some nice colors last year that aren't available from the site anymore. Look at your LDS to see if they carry them. The red are def not pinkbut are still a sweet color.
Another vote for Mares Quattros as they are wonderful fins. They come in several colors. No pink but they have a bunch of colors. Yellow, blue, black, white, lime flame and aqua/white. I have them in white.
One of the main complaints is the Go Sports are too short and people are recommending RK3s? What am I missing?
agreed - for me, size L go sport and size L RK3 (standard, not HD) feel almost identical.
as a test i've even tried swimming with one of each
+1 to Deep6 Eddy fins. The ones linked above are in size Small/Medium, but they also come in size Large. I have a pair of XL Eddies in orange, and they fit me great whether I'm wearing size 10 US / 40 EU booties for warm water, or size 12 US / 43 EU booties over my drysuit's neoprenesocks.

You are right that they are fairly short, which I consider a feature rather than a bug. Easier to walk around on a boat, and that much less likely to accidentally touch the bottom or some wildlife with them. The fins are very powerful due to their stiffness, and very comfortable due to the ergonomic shape of the foot pocket

Best of luck with your search

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