Film in Checked/Unchecked Bags

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Williamstown, KY
After leaving film in my checked bags at FLL, I heard an airport announcement that film should be carried on. When I returned home I read a blurb in a dive magazine about the new airport x-ray machines ruining film...while I was waiting to get my pictures back from Wal-Mart.

After 3 days nervously waiting, I picked up my pictures which turned out fine.

So, was I just lucky and what is the best way to pack film for flights?
Yes, some would say you were lucky. I have had film messed up due to airport x-ray machines. I have found that the best way to get through the airport is:

1. have your film in the clear plastic roll containers, (not the black ones)

2. put those in a freezer zip lock bag.

3. when you get to the security, show the security guy your bag and see if you can pass it around the machine.

If they do xray the film, they say the scannning machines for carry on is less damaging. Don't know if that is true or not.
According to Kodak, the greatest danger is having your film x-rayed by the machines used on checked baggage. Even if you cannot get the TSA officers to hand your film through, the carry-on x-ray machines are much less powerful.

Multiple passes through the x-ray machines are even more deadly. You were lucky but probably safe.
Thats a good idea for putting film in a plastic baggy to hand through security (if they let you). I guess that applies going and coming doesnt it. Im leaving for Grand Bahama next week and will be taking about 15 unexposed rolls of film. I'll want to leave them in thier original packaging until Ive exposed them so I dont get them mixed up. I can just put the kodak boxes in a plastic bag on the way, and use the clear film tubes on the way back home. Hopefully, if the kodak film boxes are still factory sealed, they wont ask for them to X-rayed???
ScubyDoo once bubbled...
I'll want to leave them in thier original packaging until Ive exposed them so I dont get them mixed up. I can just put the kodak boxes in a plastic bag on the way, and use the clear film tubes on the way back home. Hopefully, if the kodak film boxes are still factory sealed, they wont ask for them to X-rayed???

Don't count on it! I tried that and they made me remove the boxes and take the film out of the canisters. If the film is in clear canisters, they'll just look them over and pass them around IF you insist on hand inspection. If you don't use Fuji film with the clear canisters, you might go to your processing shop and ask them to save some for you. It makes a huge difference!
ScubyDoo once bubbled...
Hopefully, if the kodak film boxes are still factory sealed, they wont ask for them to X-rayed???

Yes they will. Iwent through BWI recently with the film out of the boxes and tubes but in ziploc bags. They took all the film out, swabbed it and put it through the sniffer machine. It took 45 minutes for 50 rolls of film. Don't leave the film in the boxes, you'll probably regret it!!!
a professional photographer friend of mine told me he always take his film in hand luggage (100-150 rolls at a time)

dont worry about the x-rays on these - sometimes it is too much hassle and he has never had any damaged film yet !!! Keeps the security guys happy and gets you through quick
I have never had any luck in getting my film hand inspected. It always goes through the machine, inspite of my protests. I travel w/ very small amounts of film, 10 rolls or less. I can honestly say I don't think there's been any damage to it, but it would make me feel better if it could be hand inspected.
Just got back from Belize and shot only two rolls topside. (The rest of my stuff is video) This was the first time my negs. showed signs of degredation due to x-ray through checked baggage; however, the finished picts didn't seem to show this as far as I could see. How does security react to those anti-x-ray film photo bags? Next time, I'm carrying on my film.


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