Another tax on boaters or whatever, you're correct that it won't cure stupidity, carelessness, rudeness, or recklessness. It will, however, make the above accountable for their actions, and more likely to be caught.
DennisS:Arrrrrrrgh a license is just another tax on boaters, it will not cure stupidity, carelessness, rudeness or recklessness. I go out on the water to relax and enjoy getting away from it all. The last thing I need is more stops. Yes they routinely stop boaters for no reason, no it isn't pleasant, yes it ruins the experience of being on the water relaxing. All they have to do is catch the ones breaking the law and fine the hell out of them ($500 and up, not $50), word will get around. It's not hard to find the morons driving boats and we don't need to license every boater in the state to get them.