February ABWA dive and dine 14th and 15th

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Cornbread and milk? I'm born & raised Mississippi boy and have never heard of putting the cornbread IN the milk, guess I was sheltered :D
Women in bikinis are a dime a dozen (especially those of a blondish nature) but finding good, homemade cornbread is getting to be more of a challenge.


Hey Now...don't talk about AuTgrDvr..she is blonde and the one cooking the cornbread..:D
Be glad we are not fighting over men in bikinis. We would have to quote that earlier picture a couple more times.:D

Clay I know you are not into self torture. I don't have to worry about you wanting to keep seeing that vision...It unfortunately is burned into all our brains thanks to Frank..:shakehead:
And I always thought that the term "Cornbread fed" was a term to describe a big guy... Who actually knew that Alabama is where that term originated? =)) Mexican cornbread is sounding yummy about now.
Clay I know you are not into self torture. I don't have to worry about you wanting to keep seeing that vision...It unfortunately is burned into all our brains thanks to Frank..:shakehead:

Quick, somebody post some bikini clad divers on the forum to help push out the images of the GI3 wanna be. :D
You fellas are really depraved....someone (else) cook them some cornbread!!! :wink:
Quick, somebody post some bikini clad divers on the forum to help push out the images of the GI3 wanna be. :D

Sounds reasonable. Someone (else) post the man some pics.:D
Sounds reasonable. Someone (else) post the man some pics.:D

Not a bikini clad diver, but it should at least help erase the memory of man-thongs LOL


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I might just have to join this party,it has been a few years since I have turned blue while scuba diving,that mexican corn breads sounds great too,not so sure about the speedos though.:shocked2:

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