Fall MegaDive, 2009

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Welcome aboard, Pafindr.

Scuba Crab, glad to have you back, and the date is official. I just need to find a mod to add it to the thread title. Hint, hint.
I be BACK from Davey Jones' locker!!! Had I known his sox stunk that much I'd have ne'er signed on ta tha Dutchman in tha' first place! Good thing I'm outta the brig!

As my computer took a header off the plank a few months ago, I'd been without communication. Seems li'tle lights started comin' on in places I had none! Turns out someone decided to hold a barbecue inside my pc and fergot to INFORM me of such, til after the motherboard was overcooked! Recently we picked up a new computer fer the lass o' tha craft, an she found me one as well. (A computer, not another lass!)
"HA HA!" She says!

A few notes fer ye...
My megatent has gone down with the ship! I'm debating as to giving it the heave ho, as I have a newer, smaller tent ta be placin' under the megatarp! I also have a portable firepit, so we can e'en hold a fit under the tarp should the sunshine o' Florida come out after dark. NOT ANDY'S WHITE LEGS!!! Florida's Liquid sunshine, also known by the name that shall not be named! I may have to revive the megatent as it seems some braggard is tryin ta one up me by bringin somethin bigger! I may have to moor the Dutchman off the shore's edge and use it as a sleep aboard! Or I can always scuttle HIS tent!!!

Now we get ta tha subject of RUM!!! I have it on HIGH authority that the Rum tote is NOT gone! It be safe and sound in the holds a me ship an' will be attendin in style as befittin! There's ALWAYS room for more RUM!!! It has a few small bottles in it fer now and is cravin sum Tattoo and Irish sippin whiskeys!

I've found a wee island near here that has exotic drink of lands unheard, nye unseen!
Only problems am havin, is the Cap'n's gold is a might bit scarce lately! Any donations will be greatly appreciated and mayhaps even guarantee that ya not wake up one morn floatin' ta Mexico on a raft!

This party was agreed upon in the spring to be themed for Halloween as we always do. Seems ta me it keeps gettin slung into piracy by some boar in a Jeep! I say we have a diveable costume party and carve up some squash with our cutlasses as we've done in the past. Seems quite satisfying. Instead of theming the party, we each come in our OWN theme! Decoratin yer sleepage in whate'er fashion ye see to!

The event be on me list and t'wil be a sore day back in the locker afore ye see me not attending! May have to bring me scurvy crew with me. They say tis bad luck ta leave 'em aboard ship while am off plunderin! Am thinkin, they're sayin, bad luck to parts o me that might not be found come mornin.
Cool beans! Nice.
Though while you mentioned rum, you neglected to mention that all newbies bring rum ..... for me! :)
Cool beans! Nice.
Though while you mentioned rum, you neglected to mention that all newbies bring rum ..... for me! :)

(sigh).... :rofl3:

Did you know RUM spelled backwards is MUR ... (EEK)

Beano Baggins
Would you believe that I am so pathetic that I reread the whole thread just to figure this out?

Anyway, the creator of the Rum Tote must be Orlando Eric, as he, CardZard, and I are the only males that have posted on here that are longtime members. I know that I didn't have anything to do with the origins of the Rum Tote, Dennis is a regular attendee, so it must be Eric.

BTW, Eric HAS attended a MegaDive, and I even think that you were there that time, Krista.

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