Slipstrm:PDIC Nitrox, One of my favorite flavors , I love mixed gas, Hmmm...Who is your Instructor?
I think you may have gotten these answers from another problem....Although I cant see this combination of answers on any of the other questions??......anyway that would go a long ways to explaining some of the responses you got.....and your confusion
If this is question # 22 in Nitrox Diving by Fred Calhoun, The standard PDIC Nitrox Text, then the possible answers "should" be
a. 124 mins
b. 60 mins
c. 120 mins
d. 40 mins
Here is how it works...using the PDIC supplied book with Navy Air Tables.
1st dive to 70' for 30 min.
This makes you a F pressure Group Diver (Navy Air Tables)
Out of the water for 60 minutes makes you an E pressure group diver. (still on air tables)
Now you want to plan a 2nd dive on 36%,
Take your E diver status to the residual/repetitive matrix on the 36% tables.
Plan as an E pressure group diver to 60' and notice you have 46 minutes of residual according to the tables.
Now look at the NDL for 60' on the 36% table, now....if you were a clean diver without nitrogen......WHICH YOU ARE NOT AT THIS would have an NDL of 170 minutes at 60 feet.
Take the NDL of 170 minutes and subtract the 46 minutes of residual and theres your answer.
There is a mistake in the test on another question, that always lets me know who really understands what is being taught, can you find it?
The test I took was a hand out. I don't have it anymore.
However, I just looked in the back of the book and the ones you quote are there.
I checked it against the hand out (i got two)and the choices ARE DIFFERENT!
I took my test "closed book" it wasn't untill I was told I was wrong I wanted to know how.....I actually wrote my answer in as "none of the above. see me for explination"
As far as the other mistake that you make reference to......I did get another answer wrong because even though I couldn't get the EXACT answer I picked the one that was the closest. But I was saying to myself "there is something WRONG with this test" But I didn't wanna be the "know-it-all" guy making mountains out of molehills, Besides I spent 2days on the other one, so I let it go. I am gonna have do my test over and see if that is the ONE you are referring to.
I hope I am not looking for a mistake that has been corrected cause I have revised edition or something.........That would not be funny.
EDIT: I am up for the challenge. However, as opposed to finding the ONE out of 39 how about narrowing it down for me????