Oh, ok. I guess I was thinking that if a boat had a new diver on it, they might stay away from all the walls. But I guess if he is uncomfortable with doing a wall dive, he could just skip the 1st dive and do the 2nd one.
If he's concerned about fitting in with the group, you might hire a private DM for the first couple of dives (they aren't that pricey and it would give you an extra set of eyes with your newish diver). Then you could tailor your dive from the rest of the group. Maybe skip some swim-throughs or hang along the top of the walls until he gets his "bearings," then proceed from there. It would also take the pressure off from conforming to the rest of the group or holding them back if he goes through his air a bit quickly. That was one of my wife's biggest concerns her first time group, drift diving in Coz. We actually worked out sharing air (balancing our tanks) which relieved a lot of her anxiety and allowed her to really enjoy the dives. Once she relaxed, her air consumption really improved. Your husband is lucky to have you as an experienced diver invested in his enjoyment of the sport as he gets his "sea legs." Have fun.