Yes, if you read through the appendices there are a lot of myocardial infractions, which I think is doc-speak for heart attacks. The downside to being 20-something is that you are always broke, but the upside is that you don't tend to have heart attacks.
I suspect Lynne's point is probably close to the mark - you have two different bulges caused by different factors.
Looking at Peter's earlier point (is it caused by the rise of tec diving?), there are separate charts for the depths of dives on which the divers died, and very very few are in the technical range. No separate stats on deaths in overhead environments.
Certainly interesting reading.
I suspect Lynne's point is probably close to the mark - you have two different bulges caused by different factors.
Looking at Peter's earlier point (is it caused by the rise of tec diving?), there are separate charts for the depths of dives on which the divers died, and very very few are in the technical range. No separate stats on deaths in overhead environments.
Certainly interesting reading.