I think a lot has been said on the topic of Expectations of OW certification. One of the problems is that although there are standards of what skills and basic knowledge is to be done in basic training, the agencies did not provide the Instructors with an evaluation yard stick. It?s a matter of the Instructors integrity, will to put more effort in, personal opinion, lack of ability and sometimes outright laziness, and more.
A diver clears a mask once like it was a death defying skill and that?s all, ?material was covered?. Same goes for many other aspects of basic certification training. It?s not enough. I think in the end it should be that a diver in order to be certified should obtain a maximum SAC (Surface Air consumption) of no more than .75 cuft/min (21 L/min) on the last training dive in cold water, and even lower in warm water.
What does it take to achieve that SAC?
Some comfort level, basic effective finning, ease of doing basic skills, some basic buoyancy control, relatively good physical conditioning. That?s it. If it takes extra work with the students, so be it. But God forbid we put more effort, we gota move on to the next class of uninformed consumers.
I am not saying that this is the trend, but?. I?m being politically correct.