After being irritated by constantly fogging Atomic masks I used the flame method on a new frameless one and it worked like a charm. I used a long grill type lighter. I don't think there is much of a chance of you ruining the skirt unless you are completely careless. I could actually see the silicone on the lens burning off. And this is after 4 scrubbings with toothpaste. I didnt want to risk a contantly fogging mask for my trip to Coz in November, so I figured the price of a non stop foggy mask was much more than the 169.00 of a new Atomic mask so I took the plunge. I did watch a video on how to do it though. It worked so well I broke out my 2 year old Atomic mask that had fogging issues and did it too. That one had been scrubbed probably 10 times and still fogged. After flaming it I sam the silicone burn off that lens as well. I am thrilled.