I was told (for my class) that I need an SMB or Lift Bag.
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Hmm.My instructor has told me that he once cracked his manifold (primary side) in a cave. He isolated his tanks, breathed off of the leaking tank until it was empty, while making his way back out, then went to the second tank & breathed it down all the way & still had about 75- 100ft to go to get to his stage bottle. He said it was one of the times he didn't think he was going to make it out alive. That's the only case I've heard of that. But it was also technical diving, not open water.
The TDI manuals (Adv. Nitrox and Deco. Procedures) are sorely in need of revision.
No rent... Get a double after finding out the most popular double set in your local area.
The deco reg frankly just needs to be nitrox compatible. The whole O2 clean regulator required thing has in my opinion become badly overblown and taken to uneccesary extremes.
It is the tank valve that poses the major O2 threat and in particualar scuba valves as they tend to open very quickly and are not designed with flow passages that are O2 friendly and have much greater potential for producing an ignition source. In contrast almost any reg that is nitrox compatible will do fine with mixes over 40% up to and including 100% as long as you pressurize it slowly by turning the valve on slowly while the purge is slightly depressed.
O2 cleaning is a nice place to start and a good idea, but an O2 clean reg with 30 dives on it is no longer "02 clean" even if it has only seen O2 compatible gasses. None of them are "pure" they just have less hydrocarbon contaminants than non O2 compatible gasses and contaminants still have the potential to accumulate. Similarly, a deco reg that did a dive or two with non-O2 compatible air is probably still much cleaner than the O2 clean reg with 30 dives on it.
my 50lb bag has toppled over and dumped some air making it much less buoyant. my team mates 100lbs don't topple over with the same amount of air in them. since they pack the same and cost the same, why not get 100lb?
Dont forget to take a spare mask. You WILL "lose" your initial one at various points.
Practice skills whilst holding neutral buoyancy, practice sending a big whilst holding neutral buoyancy and so on. Ideally you need to be ok at the before arriving on the course.