Enter Key Doesn't Work - Windows 8 / IE 10

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You really don't know what you are talking about. I'm done troll feeding. It's obvious Howard has no interest in looking into this so whatever...
I actually do know what Im talking about.
MSDN (and technet) is subscriber services that the general public DONT use and win 8 wont be available to them untill they can go buy it and/or its delivered with their new computer.
As win 8 is still not released to the public a lot of drivers and other software might still be unfinished with regards to compatability with win 8 and have issues with it as its "no rush" till october (and lots of drivers and sw will STILL have issues with it in october).

Also vbulletin, which scubaboard is running is not developed by scubaboard, so its wrong to ask scubaboard site support to fix vbulletins code, isnt it?
Another thing is the fact that you mentioned it seemed to work with chrome, but not ie10? That makes it seem like its could be ie10 or the ie10+win 8 combo thats the issue rather than vbulletin as well and if thats the case, this is DEFINETLY not the place to direct your complaint..
You really don't know what you are talking about. I'm done troll feeding. It's obvious Howard has no interest in looking into this so whatever...

I don't have Windows 8, and am not going to buy it to fix your problem.

When vBulletin comes up with a fix for it, then it will be fixed.

Sorry you don't like the answer, but that's it.

You have the ability to use other browsers, so I suggest you do so.

In the meantime, there's nothing else for me to do.

Have a nice day.
I don't have Windows 8, and am not going to buy it to fix your problem.
That's such a wonderful customer service attitude. I can see that you do in fact work in IT.

---------- Post Merged at 08:37 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 08:31 AM ----------

Also vbulletin, which scubaboard is running is not developed by scubaboard, so its wrong to ask scubaboard site support to fix vbulletins code, isnt it?
No, you don't know what the heck you are talking about. You thread hijacked and trolled but it's convenient for Howard so you'll get away with it. By your logic anything not written in house doesn't have to be supported by anyone. I don't have a realationship with vBuleltin, Scubaboard does. Scubaboard chooses to use vBulletin and when they take that dependency they own it from a support perspective. There are many channels that Windows is available from and just because the OEM and Retail path isn't lit up yet doesn't mean it's not publically released. The exact build that I'm running on right now is what will ship in a month. If it's easier to just ignore the problem then so be it but don't come up with some half baked logic to justify it.

---------- Post Merged at 08:40 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 08:31 AM ----------

I don't have Windows 8, and am not going to buy it to fix your problem.
Who said anything about buying it? You can download it for free right here. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/jj554510.aspx BTW, you are an IT professional, right? Everyone I know worth a salt would know how to spin up a VM and deploy an OS to it. It's really not that big of a deal to reproduce the issue. I really don't understand why you are being so defensive about refusing to acknowledge this issue and somehow just blaming me as a problem child. Very poor support.
Are you even in IT? (I'd press enter here but well, I can't! ) Do you even know what RTM and GA mean? I've been a Build and Release Engineer ( and a pretty well known one at that ) for 16 years and I think I know what I'm talking about when I say it *IS* publically available. All enterprise volume license customers, TechNet and MSDN subscribers have access. This isn't a Beta or CTP. There's no NDA. This thing *IS* released and being used in production environments all over the world. It just hasn't made it through the pipeline to the retail segment yet. But don't worry, it will be soon. So instead of argueing with me on things that you clearly have an inferior understanding of, you could just say THANKYOU for me taking the time to identify and report this problem.

I think you forgot the [chestpound] [ /chestpound] bracket thingys...

Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2
Fyi...RTM = Release To manufacturing. In Microsoft speak.
The version that was released to all the computer OEMs and to the CD printers is the same as the MSDN version. The reason for the lag time is that you actually have to get the code on to computers (with final oem customizations, etc) and print the dvd's.

The oct 26 date is called GA, or General Availability date. That is when the stores will have it on the shelves.

Changes are made right upto RTM (fixes, etc) just like any piece of software. After that it frozen. MSDN gets it as a download as part of the subscription benefits.

Are you using the desktop ie or the tile version of 10
I did not replicate it with either.
I've tried the quick reply and the advanced editor control in both the metro and the traditional sides of IE. I can't press enter in the editor. I googled this issue and I found lots of hits so I know I'm not the first. :)

---------- Post Merged at 09:58 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 09:55 AM ----------

(now that's interesting.... I did that in notepad and pasted it in. It accepted the enters. It just doesn't like me actually pressing the enter key. )
I believe you, I'm just not seeing it. Wonder if there is a server that is not running latest ver of vbulletin in the mix.

Can you send your repro steps.

I'm not an expert with vbulletin but I have seen similar issues elsewhere
Ya, I know you believe me and I appreciate you joining in. :) Repro is simple. Hit quick reply and try to type a message and press the enter key. Nothing happens. :) I came across a thread after a google search where a vBulletin admin was saying he was going to change a server setting to render in IE 8 or 9 (forget) and after he did that others replied it was working. I don't know how Scubaboard is setup. Perhaps they have clustering at the app tier layer and the settings aren't consistent. Maybe you are hitting one server and I'm hitting another. I'll try going through a public proxy and see if that makes me hit something else.

---------- Post Merged at 10:12 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 10:05 AM ----------

Connecting to scubaboard via www.zend2.com ( anonymous proxy ) andcarriagereturnswork:) Now is it because of something to the HTML stream that the proxy is doing or is it because it's hitting a different server.

---------- Post Merged at 10:12 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 10:05 AM ----------

Well, thought they worked. Presing enter in the editor worked but when it rendered the reply it was all on one line.

---------- Post Merged at 10:17 AM ---------- Previous Post was at 10:05 AM ----------

Additional repro steps. If I go into USER CP | General Setting and select the basic editor everything works fine. If I select the Full WYSIWYG editor the enter problem occurs.
No one on ScubaBoard staff is a programmer. It's really out of the range of our abilities to be able to reprogram vBulletin to fix a number of these issues, and then we run into the problem of not being able to upgrade later on due to incompatibilities. We've gone the route of trying different mods in the past and they only create headaches when we try to upgrade later. I am certain that MS and/or vBulletin will be releasing a solution for us to implement in the not-too-distant future so that this will become a moot issue.

It's not that we don't want to solve this issue for you: we simply can't.

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