Although the Fitz has the largest amount of iron ore on the lake bottom, there are other wrecks that would be a better choice to salvage. The Fitz carried taconite which is a muddy version of iron ore. You could equal the the tonnage and value by finding either the wrecks of the HB Smith or Henry Steinbrenner (neither have been located, but Steinbrenner sank in 800'), which either equals or surpasses the Fitz cargo value by carrying a very pure grade ore. Plus iron is still readily available so you won't get much. Wrecks like the Coburn, Keystone State, D. Richmond, have a very high cargo value on it.You may be hung-up on the concept of "degree". Allow someone to collect a few pellets and someone else may see this as an open invitation to dredge the site for pre-processed iron ore.