Editing software...

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Don...As an FYI, I went to that link you posted and PS Starter Edition is being discontinued and will not be supported as of June 30.
Well, YOU may be good enough to shoot and post but I am not :)

I have yet to figure out how to take pictures completely without backscatter!

I use two software editors depending on whether the image will be printed or will it be posted electronically.

If posted electronically, it goes through Lightroom first and then to Corel Paint Shop Pro 2

If it is going to become art on the wall it just goes through Paint Shop Pro 2

Lightroom can do amazing things to average and below average pictures. You can save some pictures that you want to show or post on the internet.

Oh, you can use Lightroom to increase the black filter and reduce scatter, and its automatic clone and repair is fantastic!
Don...As an FYI, I went to that link you posted and PS Starter Edition is being discontinued and will not be supported as of June 30.
Bummer, thanks!
Well I just downloaded and played with Irfanview. I used to use it ages ago and forgot all about it. Here are a couple before and after pics from my last dive with only using the Auto Color Adjust.









I'm sold! These took less than 2 minutes to adjust all of these and I think the auto feature did a pretty good job. And if you want to tweak more, you can.
I did the download, registered and input a single picture....

It did nicely on the insta-fix for the already decent image I imported. I went through every click-able button...

I find this software acceptable for the very beginning diver, but lacking in real substance for a decent salt-water diver/photographer

Understand, I am not "trashing" it, just classifying it. (I've already uninstalled it from my system) If you are going to spend the money for a underwater camera and the extras (strobes, spotting lights, etc..) You will want something more than this software
I did a Google search and went straight to the download page Download IrfanView

I also downloaded the Adobe Start late last night and edited one pic. Not bad either.
I find them both helpful, with the Adobe being easier to use. The IrfanView has more options and controls, but those intimidate many who barely know how to turn their puter on, check email, log onto SB, download some pics from camera, etc. Most people I know in the real world who do own puters have never read or purchased a beginners book, just try to play and learn. My daughter graduated with a 3.0 in Special Ed, is very talented and intelligent, but will not learn any more about puters than she just has to - with Adobe being her max on pics, and her hubby's attitude being "she does those." :D

On the other hand, I agree with CT: " If you are going to spend the money for a underwater camera and the extras (strobes, spotting lights, etc..) You will want something more than this software" for those who are up to the learning curve? Some are, some aren't.

I shoot and share for fun, and those two are my limits for now. :wink:

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