dual 6 cuft ponies

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Was looking at the possibility of mounting two 6 cuft ponies on the front side of my back plate. My thought was one would have a din valve and a hose with the din male fitting going into the valve. And the other end with another din male fitting going into a H- valve on the other ponie and other reg hooked to that din valve. Before you get mean I want to do this for#1 balance #2 for travel #3 because of the different ways boats hold their tanks. This setup would not be affected on the back side of the bc. But does anyone make a hp flexable hose with a male din fitting on both ends? I will lose 1 cuft by not using my 13 cuft ponie and I can live with that. Thanks It's just a thought for now!
if you are looking for a flexible manifold, there is such a thing on the halcyon RB80, would that suit your purpose?

Why would you want to do this? Seems like the single 13 would be less failure-prone than a flex-hose double kit.

If you do want to do it, a equilizer whip might work for you, although it wouldn't have a manifold in it.
Because right now I mount the 13 in a pony bag with d-clips to the right side of my back plate upside down and run the hose up the right side over my right shoulder and clip off the second stage to the left chest d-ring. It causes a roll to the right in the water.Plus it flops around. I would mount the 6's with ss adel clamps. I have tried to add weight to my left hip for balance but I just am unhappy with the setup. Also this is for travel and I want the bottles to work on different boats. So IMHO they need to mount to the front side of the bp. One on each side would balance out more or less.
Hmm, have you thought about slinging it as a stage bottle? That will pretty much stop the flopping. Also, if you use a weight belt, you could take a few pounds off of the non-ponied side to balance yourself out.

Another option would be to butt-mount the single, although this could possible get awkward when you sat down with the rig.
cancun mark:
if you are looking for a flexible manifold, there is such a thing on the halcyon RB80, would that suit your purpose?

I looked at site it may work I we email them to see if they can make a custom length thanks.
Hmm, have you thought about slinging it as a stage bottle? That will pretty much stop the flopping. Also, if you use a weight belt, you could take a few pounds off of the non-ponied side to balance yourself out.

Another option would be to butt-mount the single, although this could possible get awkward when you sat down with the rig.
Ya I know. Thats why I want them on the front side of BP streamlined and could use them with out hassle on any dive boat. I will sling the 13 this coming weekend for my two solo dives for the certification for SDI. But I want a long term solution for the future and I think if I can rig dual 6 cuft ponies together it will work- I THINK- but that is why I made the post. You get some great info and insight here. I like to pick the brains on this site it has saved me $$ and has given me great info and I have met alot of folks here and got new dive buddies too.

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