Ah. OK. The little tit out there... I see it in the cutaway schematic. Cute. Cool. They not all made that way.It is precisely the opposite. A 300 bar fill whip has a longer center ”dimple” which prevents sealing on a 200/232 bar valve.
(Regulators are the opposite, the rare 200 bar DIN regulator having too few threads to mate with a 300 bar valve.)
My whips, now mine (see below hooked to a Provalve), they no got those little protrusions so the 300 BAR fill lead goes right into the 200 bar valve and seals just fine. But we really don't see 300 BAR bottles here in the US either so it is not a huge concern (never have seen one in the flesh, but mine's an extremely small sampling).
Seems that here the DIN fillers have 300 BAR fittings that also work on the 200s (at least a brief review of NE Scuba and Piranah, where I would likely think to go to if I wanted to buy a new whip):
"This is our fill whip end page. The dins are all 300 bar so they can be used in both 200 bar or 300 bar din valves."
"Our transfill whip has 300 bar DIN connectors on each end"

Din Cylinder Transfill Large bore Hose w/ Pony Bottle Gauge!
Our transfill whip has 300 bar DIN connectors on each end Our new pony bottle gauge is smaller and simpler to handle but still has an high accuracy Our pony bottle gauge face makes reading easy and simple in either PSI or BAR! The color coding makes looking at where you are with your transfill...

Just an image from one of the whip end fitting offerings of the NE Scuba page (no tit):