DSS wing - not a donut - discuss

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Stephen Ash:
What's with the "ya'll"?

Hey, "y'all" is a great word. Why should there be no second-person plural personal pronoun? "You" for singular and plural? Weak...

It beats the heck out of "yous guys" :wink:

I know return y'all to the battle this thread has become...BTW, it was a great thread until then. Lot's of great information. Thanks to everyone who posted good info :)
Hey, "y'all" is a great word. Why should there be no second-person plural personal pronoun? "You" for singular and plural? Weak...

It beats the heck out of "yous guys" :wink:

Well put Hum, but you're missing the real purpose of the word. It helps us (people who live in the south) more easily identify the transplants, posers, and others trying to sound like they're from the south. :no

Hey, "y'all" is a great word. Why should there be no second-person plural personal pronoun? "You" for singular and plural? Weak...

It beats the heck out of "yous guys" :wink:

I know return y'all to the battle this thread has become...BTW, it was a great thread until then. Lot's of great information. Thanks to everyone who posted good info :)

If you are really southern, y'all is singular, all y'all is plural. I know this because I have a "Speakin' suthern like is hould be spoke' book on my desk, sent to myself by one of my souther customers :)

Back to the issue at hand, Bob, I admire your patience and willingness to deal with someone who honestly does not seem interested in seeing the value in the information provided or willing see the 'error of his approach'.

For the simple sake of argument, the newest Halcyon wing is NOT a donut either, but a horseshoe.

In case that makes a difference. Seems to me they are all about 'DIR' and 'safetly' and 'survivability'. But really, I don't know enough to comment on it so will defer to people who design products / instruct / seem to know what they are doing and have an interested in sharing this experience and not just start an argument :)

All y'all have a good day now :D
Going back to the original question, I'm a pretty novice diver and it never occurred to me to get worried about whether the air bubble was going to get unbalanced from side to side because the rear dump was on one side. I've used both the inflator and the rear dump, and never noticed being unbalanced (maybe I start that way and it feels normal :) ) so it would seem to me that somehow the air manages to crawl around without me doing anything active to encourage it. If you are concerned about tiny or brief imbalances, you might have a different opinion, but in practice, it certainly hasn't been an issue for me.
I'll make a few comments before the weekend, but I am packing for diving and that is more important than keeping ya'll out of suspense.

I was quoting Tobin when I said "(OPVs are not dump valves)" (or whatever). I had made the assertion that they were (why do wings have dump valves...), he equivocated about them not being dump valves and that they were actually OPVs.

My comment about not kissing *** was in response to fishb0ys comment that he _WAS_ kissing **** (arse?).

Tobin brought up drysuits, neither I nor the original poster (the fish with the long name) mentioned dry suits, hence my assertion that a straw man argument had been introduced (expanding my position to include DS, and then point out how that won't work with drysuits, classic straw man). Furthermore, the "dump valves are actually OPVs" was a red herring, they might also be OPVs, but that was irrelevant to the discussion.

I regret saying anything about drysuits, but I didn't say anything other than sharing what had been pointed out to me by the LDS (not that I beleive them). I will leave my comments about drysuits until after I am familiar, and any conclusions you might draw from my earlier comment would be misinformed.

You guys seem to be way to involved in stroking each others egos: get over yourselfs. I have no intention of "apologizing" to Tobin. I did not accuse Tobin of anything, I merely pointed out that I was suspicous of his motives: I would be naive not to given he is discounting a feature he does not incorporate into his product, and given my cynical nature. I can be suspicous (I was), and its OK form me to point that out.

And NWGratefulDiver's comments about me lacking experience and consequently my points being invalid is also a classic logical fallacy. I continue to make the assertion I do about donuts because I am confident that my experience is based in reality (Tobin finally admitted as much). I was merely trying to bring out that it is fact (donuts have advantages), with the intent to then discuss the merits of that advantage. Furthermore, the same broken logic NWGD used to point out perceptions about my lack of experience can be used to point out his lack of independent thought given his statement about broken OPVs being more than a nuisance.

I doubt I am less experienced than my confidence warrants regarding diving. I was not attempting to make any assertions about experience, but facts are facts: experienced people can share them too. Tobin continued to avoid discussing the facts about donuts, independent of the merit of those facts (he selectively avoided chunks of my posts in his responses). My assertions about donuts are mostly accurate: I was never trying to make them out to be more than they were (I never said "donuts are better" or, "buy a donut", I merely pointed out fact (donuts have advantages in a heads down position), and I attempted to provide evidence of that, evidence that had nothing to do with diving experience.

However, thanks are in order: Thanks Tobin for taking the time to share your knowledge about bladders. I'm beggining to understand the claim BWOD users make about the advantages of avoiding the taco effect.

Furthermore, I think Tobin can handle himself fine, and doesn't need sheep to defend him.
And NWGratefulDiver's comments about me lacking experience and consequently my points being invalid is also a classic logical fallacy. I continue to make the assertion I do about donuts because I am confident that my experience is based in reality.
What experience?

If your profile is accurate, you've been diving for more than 10 years, have done less than 100 dives, and never took a class beyond Basic OW. I must admit, those are some pretty impressive credentials. They certainly entitle you to be "correcting" people with 15 to 20 times your experience, professional credentials, and actual experience in the gear you're discussing.

As for the "logical" arguments ... one response ... dive the wing. THEN come back and tell us about it's inherent flaws.

Furthermore, I think Tobin can handle himself fine, and doesn't need sheep to defend him.
Baaaaaaa ...

BTW - a picture's worth a thousand words ... so here's a couple thousand of 'em.

Here's a pic of me diving the DSS wing in Roatan a few months ago ... note the orientation. I didn't have any issues with either imbalance or venting.


And here's a pic of Ed Parris diving the DSS wing in Bonaire in September ... he didn't have any issues either ...


Perhaps you should consider the possibility that your difficulties don't stem from a choice of equipment ... but in any event, without actually trying the wing how could you possibly know?

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Furthermore, I think Tobin can handle himself fine, and doesn't need sheep to defend him.

Sheep? Yikes, I thought I was talking from experience also, Ba-a-a-a-a-t (sheep sound) if the shoe fits.... Baaa
I may be in the minority here but I found this thread informative. It seems that donuts are better for people who enjoy butt-up ascents in some form or other because of the easier rear dumping and they may be slightly trimmer than horseshoe wings. The downside seems to be that the inner bladder may be harder to remove and repair and they are slightly more expensive right now. Of course I haven't tried either and am simply speaking as an interested observer.

I also noticed that the Torus doesn't have the 'large reinforced windows which permit "Twins" (dual single cylinders) configuration' the same way that the LCD 50 does. Is the Torus not suitable for independent doubles use?
I also noticed that the Torus doesn't have the 'large reinforced windows which permit "Twins" (dual single cylinders) configuration' the same way that the LCD 50 does. Is the Torus not suitable for independent doubles use?

Floater, if you need the twins windows we can put them in. While a handy feature for twins, it is not a commonly used feature. We can put them in as a special order if requested.

Here's a pic of me diving the DSS wing in Roatan a few months ago ... note the orientation. I didn't have any issues with either imbalance or venting.

Bob, love the suit! :D

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