DSMB Requirements

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Hi all. I am hoping for some clarification from experienced folks regarding required use of DSMBs on Red Sea liveaboards. We are planning a family trip next year for either the North/Wrecks or St Johns routes. Due to experience levels in the group (1 entry level Tech, 2 PADI AOW, 2 PADI OW), we are not considering the BDE route as we consider it beyond our collective skill level.

This will be our first trip to the Red Sea. We have not picked a boat yet. Prior liveaboard/land based diving has been New England US, Carrib., Hawaii and similar. All have boat diving experience well in excess of 30 dives.

I have seen conflicting posts on SB and elsewhere as to whether deployment of a DSMB at depth is required for the above itineraries. I have some experience with DSMB deployment, but only in limited training contexts; the rest of my group has no experience. All of us are, of course, familiar and comfortable with inflating and using SMBs at the surface.

Can anyone advise on what the standard practice/expectation is regarding use of DSMBs on Red Sea liveaboards?

Hey @MacLir, I'm about to go on a LoB in Egypt and I'm researching the same question :D What was your experience in the end, were there any check dives, did anyone care? Thanks in advance!
I've done 2 LoBs in Egypt (and few others here and there). In all of them we were encouraged to deploy our DSMBs at the safety stop (not from depth) of the check dive. Some divers do, some others don't. Nobody really checks.

Interestingly in the last LoB it took me about 5 minutes to deploy mine. As the water was supposed to be pretty warm (28oC we were told) I choose to wear my rash guard suit. Things that I didn't consider: it was end of November, early in the morning with strong wind, so outside temperature was pretty low. Water temperature was 1-2 degrees lower than what we were told and I haven't slept well for few days/nights due to traveling. Result? By the end of the check dive I was shivering to the extend I couldn't control my hands sufficiently. I finally managed it, but it should have been interesting for my fellow divers to watch me... Needless to say that for the rest of the trip I wear nothing less than a two pieces full body 5mm suit.
Hi all. I am hoping for some clarification from experienced folks regarding required use of DSMBs on Red Sea liveaboards. We are planning a family trip next year for either the North/Wrecks or St Johns routes. Due to experience levels in the group (1 entry level Tech, 2 PADI AOW, 2 PADI OW), we are not considering the BDE route as we consider it beyond our collective skill level.

This will be our first trip to the Red Sea. We have not picked a boat yet. Prior liveaboard/land based diving has been New England US, Carrib., Hawaii and similar. All have boat diving experience well in excess of 30 dives.

I have seen conflicting posts on SB and elsewhere as to whether deployment of a DSMB at depth is required for the above itineraries. I have some experience with DSMB deployment, but only in limited training contexts; the rest of my group has no experience. All of us are, of course, familiar and comfortable with inflating and using SMBs at the surface.

Can anyone advise on what the standard practice/expectation is regarding use of DSMBs on Red Sea liveaboards?


I've done a number of Red Sea liveaboard trips and this has been my experience regarding DSMBs:

1. all divers are expected to carry one and know how to deploy it
2. if you are diving as a group with a guide/divemaster, you will rarely (if ever) need to do so, as it will typically be up to your guide
3. if you are diving your own profile with your buddy, then you will likely need to deploy the DSMB at the end of most dives (the exception being those that don't involve being picked up by the zodiac).

I hope this helps. Have a lovely trip.

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