I got back from my Alaska trip a couple weeks ago and I thought I would report back how my experiment with the latex glove underliners fared. Overall it was a success. I put on latex gloves under my Thinsulite liners. It kept the inside of Zip Gloves nice and dry. However I also did something that was even more effective. Try as I might, I couldn't get all of the gear for my wife and myself into two checked bags. So I bit the bullet and added a third bag. Since I had extra space I threw in my UK drysuit hanger (Exposure Suit Hanger 5.0 - Heavy Duty » Underwater Kinetics), which is bulky, but not very heavy. It was GREAT. After each dive I hung up my suit and plugged in the hanger. It kept the whole suit nice and dry for the next dive.
This was my second dive trip to Alaska. I know that when most people think Alaska, they don't think of diving, but they should. It is a photographer's dream. There is an incredible amount to shoo both above and under the water. The Nautilus Swell is a beautiful and comfortable ship. I highly recommend it. You can see some photos at Alaska 2011 - a set on Flickr. I am still working on them, so check back for periodic updates.
This was my second dive trip to Alaska. I know that when most people think Alaska, they don't think of diving, but they should. It is a photographer's dream. There is an incredible amount to shoo both above and under the water. The Nautilus Swell is a beautiful and comfortable ship. I highly recommend it. You can see some photos at Alaska 2011 - a set on Flickr. I am still working on them, so check back for periodic updates.