My dry suit leaks like a Tea bag - i was given it second hand so cant complain, it still beats a wet suit.
Check the seals for a leak, stand in the pool up to but BELOW your next seal, get off, remove suit, check for water. You can determine if its the neck seal or not then.
If it has a cuff dump that WILL let in water.
If the suit is second hand it could be the material, the seals or worse the seams.
If its a small leak the soapy water trick wont work - i actually turned my suit (minus boots) inside out and filled it with water to see where it started soaking through (turned out to be a seam).
Also as others have said, head movement can cause it and initially i found my hood pulled down too far and moved the seal.
If i look up at something i always get nice warm bubbles leaving through the neck seal (replaced with not so nice cold sea water).
Check the weight of your BC and tank isnt pulled the neck seal down a bit or folding it at the back.