I have used all DG systems mentioned above. I ended up with OS System.
I think Floater covered the most description very well.
As for the stress issue, on DG system, there are two factors that affect the wrist seal life, UV and way of don/doff.
If you are using the overcuffs, there is almost no chance that your wrist seal is exposed to UV because your wrist seal is always stayed inside of DR system. And, I put UV spray regularly when I put the wax on the zipper.
The most culprit is how to don/doff a wrist seal (it applies to any DR system). After attaching DR system, I noticed some dry rots and cracks on the wrist seal, specially on the part where O-ring is attached. I brought the wrist seal (zipseal) to DUI Demo Day and had a chance to evaluate it with DUI technical guru together. It was due to the way of don/doff, not DR system in itself. Don't pull out the seal! ALWAY OPEN YOUR SEAL FIRST AND SLIDE IN/OUT YOUR HANDs. I post this issue on the board a long time ago (search is your friend here).
I always recommend the overcuffs because
- It really protects the seal from any external impacts, such as a scratch, puncture, or etc. You don't need to worry about your wrist seals when you take off the suit on the rough ground or boat.
- Even though there is some leaking point under the overcuffs, it will help to block the leaking, NOT completely though.
- It helps to keep your wrist warm on the cold water diving.
- And, it is only $6.
Only complaint that I received about OS stem is that it is so hard to don/doff the glove ring. It is mostly due to the lack of grease on two O-rings on the glove ring part. If you put a grease regularly (once per four~five months), it is the easiest DR system to don/doff, even in a darn cold winter season. I had to help my buddies who are using a different DR system mentioned above at least once while they were donning the glove, but NOT with OS system.
Floater: I told you that you had better put the duct tape on O-ring are on the glove ring to extend your glove life. LOL~~~
That's true that the most convenient way is not to use DR, but OS DR is much easier to don/doff and warmer than any 5mm and 7mm wet gloves based on my experience.
As for the puncture, I am using $4~$5 neoprene coated glove from the local HW stores. You will be surprised how much tough and durable this cheap glove is unless you are a lobster diver. I have used the same gloves more than 8 month (almost dive every weekend. And, I don't mind replacing this glove anytime whenever I need to replace my car wash gloves...
Just my 2 bar.