Driving on Oahu

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Don't see any special big deal about driving on Oahu. I drove around Waikiki and the whole island for a week (while my husband was there on business) and it seemed fine.

Ok, I'm from Boston, so my definition of fine may be a little warped...

In addition to watching the chase scenes in Ronin repeatedly, I practiced for driving in Paris by driving in Boston :D

As far as vehicle break-ins, I got that advise from my sister who lived there for five years while her first husband was assigned to Schofield Barracks. When she first moved over there, her husband was immediately deployed, and not long after he left, her car (still bearing CA plates) got broken into. Even worse, she was pregnant with her first-born at the time. Imagine being a 21 y/o, pregnant for the first time, and a long ways from home and knowing nobody on the island, and finding out very quickly how some locals say Aloha to the families of those serving our country by smashing out their car windows and taking stuff inside :mad:
Well in my world(Connecticut), my wife and I constantly get irritated by drivers that need to be retested or go to driving school. I'm not exaggerating when I say that atleast 80% of the time the driver is an elderly or Asian. We both guess which it is and then verify as we pass the driver. Sure enough, one of us is usually right, It was an asian or elderly. By the way, my wife is asian and she too feels the same as I. Many need to improve their driving.
I have to tell about an incident that happened to me last night that will identify a type of driver that is in the minority here, but when you do encounter them, it is quite unpleasant.

In my neighborhood there is a sometimes busy street on a rather large hill. The speed limit is 25 mph on this street (though people usually drive around 35 mph). I turned out onto this street, heading uphill. Whenever I turn out onto the street, I always accelerate up the hill to get up to the speed of traffic quickly, because I personally hate it when people pull out on this street right in front of me and then crawl up the hill at 10 mph.

I see a car coming up the hill, but it is far down enough that I know based on years of driving this exact route that I have PLENTY of room to pull out. I guess I didn't figure on encountering Mario Andretti.

It was dark, and I'm accelerating up the hill - and I see these headlights roaring up behind me. I accelerate even more to try to accommodate his faster speed (so as not to be like one of those people that irritate me) - but this guy seems to accelerate even more himself. He comes right up to my bumper before swinging into the next lane at the last minute, passes me and then proceeds slalom back into my lane in front of me, right between me and another car.

Based on the speed that I was going when I accelerated a second time, he must have been going close to 55 mph as he passed me. He decelerated very quickly to slalom back into the lane (because everyone else was going at least 15 mph slower than him). Due to this move, obviously I am rather close to his back bumper when he cuts in front of me.

Then this guy suddenly comes to a complete stop. You know - the "swoop and stoop" move the insurance companies talk about - where they do it so you hit them? Unbelievable - I have no idea what this guy is thinking. I slam on my brakes and can feel that grinding, pulsating feeling in the brakes when you stop so suddenly. There probably wasn't more than a couple inches between our bumpers when I came to a stop. So he starts moving forward, I start moving forward and we're going along for a while - and then he does it again. This time I was further enough back that it wasn't such a surprise - but what the f#@*?!

Not that I've had this exact type of incident ever happen to me before, but I've seen this type of behavior to recognize this type of driver. You'll find them mostly in the central to leeward parts of the island. It is usually a local male somewhere between 20-40 yrs old, driving a big SUV or truck. Always speeding and weaving in and out of traffic. They seem to take it as a personal affront if a slower car is in their lane. They can't simply pass or go around you, but must show their displeasure because you "got in their way" - by cutting you off and tailing you.

And heaven forbid you come too close to their car - even though it was caused solely by their own actions. Then you get what I did - coming to a complete and sudden stop, like they're daring you to hit them. The second time this guy pulled this move, I thought about just hitting him and taking it from there - but then figured all the resulting hassle was not worth the indulgence.
Da braddhas and there little egos and big trucks. Maybe you could call the cops and have them do nothing?
I have an idea, it will never work as it makes too much sense. Retrain EVERYONE! Start with it voluntier basis with a insurance brake mandated, tehn require it of certan groups. The idea being that in three to five years everyone will have gone to driving school again to remind them of things like turn signals. Theu are to indicate that your GOING to be making a move, not that you are starting it now. Things like that.
Da braddhas and there little egos and big trucks. Maybe you could call the cops and have them do nothing?

Actually, I did call the cops when I got home to report it. Only thing is that I know absolutely nothing is going to be done. We've got a hard enough time getting the cops to follow through on more serious stuff, so I doubt they'll follow up on a crazy driver.

This is the reason that it's probably good that you can't easily do a license plate search. Then this guy might wake up one morning and find out that someone did something creative to his car.
Glad you're ok - we get a lot of trucks like that on the road to Hana - driving 45 in a 15mph zone... passing on blind turns ... and don't even think about getting in front of them - ain't gonna happen if they have anything to say about it.

Not worth the resulting consequenses or the "attitude" to pursue it personally (beyond notifying the police) ...

btw a friend of mine passed a car driving to Lahaina (unfortunately he tended toward speeding and was in a Ford F250) when he showed up at work a police car was waiting for him - turns out he passed the sister of a police officer, who wasn't happy with him ... cost him a moving violation and a fine.

or my favorite story of this type - My pastor (who is also a police chaplain) was driving into Lahaina when one of "those" guys pulled something similar to him like you had happen - then at the next traffic light the guy waits for him to pull along side, rolls the window down and starts "giving" it to my pastor ... who calmly pulls out his badge and holds it up to the window - fast attitude change - lol - course he never bothered to read that it said "chaplain", he just saw the "MPD" logo.
oh...so sorry Chepar.

Cali full of those people too.

It borders on road rage.

Once, this guy like that almost wiped out my car with my kids....I started chasing him down this road, ran my car up in his grass, broke the sprinklers...and he closed his garage and ran in his house. I think I was hormonal that day...my daughter still tells the story...don't know what got into me.
I think that is road rage!
Should seen what I saw today, crazy blonde chick yacking on her phone while driving, damn near killed the good looking guy in the passenger seat and the dog looked pretty scared too!
There's a reason I keep my badge hanging from my mirror. It's on a chain which goes up between me and the window when I finally pull up alongside the _ss. Quick change of attitude and driving once they see it.
Once, this guy like that almost wiped out my car with my kids....I started chasing him down this road, ran my car up in his grass, broke the sprinklers...and he closed his garage and ran in his house. I think I was hormonal that day...my daughter still tells the story...don't know what got into me.

LOL - you're my hero! :D

Actually, I can honestly say that I do have some road rage - especially with drivers like the one I encountered the other night.

I sometimes joke that one day I'll just snap and ram my car into the back of one of these guys - but I think my years of working insurance defense cases probably helps to keep my crazy thoughts in check.

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