Driving on Oahu

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Again, yes, in general, they seem smarter than Americans. I have my theories as to why that is but it doesn't have anything to do with driving.

Also, I would bet that what you observed in LA were immigrant drivers. At least that supports my theory so that's what I'm going with . . . . :D

oh...I thought you said something different.

I guess now would be a good time to say I think they are smarter than "us"?

just [/I][/I]aren't great at driving. Personally, I think it has something to do with eye/ brain coordination or something. I observed it in LA too. That is what the spoofy thing was in Crash and why it was so funny.

Facinating fact...I just learned, Insurance companies cannot charge teenagers more for their car insurance in Hawaii--it is considered age discrimination. That is very good news for me.
Communities like Westminster?

Anyway, the drivers here cut me a lot of slack when I mess up...the Asian drivers anyway. They are never blatantly rude. I love that. So..I try and do the same because I have been influenced by their civility.
When I go to Kailua where it seems mostly white to me, everybody is honking more.
Thats why we are called Honkies!
Well, anybody ever driven in Japan? How do they do over there anyway? What about China?

I would assume it's "organized chaos" like the drunken-boxing form of martial arts. it's so crazy it just flows.:D
... To be fair, "they" hate LA drivers...

Ah, now I understand why every morning when we'd leave the hotel and go down to the car, there'd be a pentagram drawn around it with burning candles and incense at the corners and a dead animal (not there when we parked.) on the hood.
Oh I hate driving here... lets see...

...the left lane isn't for passing (someone already said that)...
...a blinking yellow light means 4 way stop...
...if a young kid (usually local and sometimes military) passes you after 1am in a tuned up Honda, pull immediately to the side of the road, and let the following herd blow by you at 120mph...
...if an earthquake shuts down power on the whole island, stoplights become 4 way stop... unless you are on THE BUS, then you are free to drive through at twice the speed limit...

...and my one hint to tourists as they go to the Arizona Memorial-NEVER drive up to the gates into Pearl Harbor... if by some mistake you do, never ask for directions, just turn around after the gate guard... and if you do ask for directions (I once had someone ask for directions to Polynesian Cultural Center) never follow them (I sent them to Halawa Prison instead).

As far as not using the horn, I use mine freely, but that may be why I hear f'n haole so often.
Ah, now I understand why every morning when we'd leave the hotel and go down to the car, there'd be a pentagram drawn around it with burning candles and incense at the corners and a dead animal (not there when we parked.) on the hood.
:rofl3: :rofl3:
NEVER drive up to the gates into Pearl Harbor... if by some mistake you do, never ask for directions, just turn around after the gate guard... and if you do ask for directions (I once had someone ask for directions to Polynesian Cultural Center) never follow them (I sent them to Halawa Prison instead).

ha..that happened to me.---it's a conspiracy! Those gate guys might be doing that for fun.

In LA, if you need to get over, and there is one foot more than your car enough for you to do it, then it is your obligation to get over there. Here, it is considered very pushy, even if you do it well. So, my skills are slipping.
People talk about California Driver, BUT, where else in the WORLD can you be going 70MPH in bumper to bumper traffic, 7 to 10 lanes wide..(405, 101), IN POURING RAIN, everyone changing lanes at the same time and not have a GIGANTIC pileup.
Of course I remember going thru palmdale in a blizzard and watching them bounce of everything like pinballs...
"Facinating fact...I just learned, Insurance companies cannot charge teenagers more for their car insurance in Hawaii--it is considered age discrimination. That is very good news for me."

Aint no way your gonna pass as a teenager anymore. Might pull off 30something but teenager?..LOL:wink:

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