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Mounting a plastic BP on top of the wing will help considerably. I went so far and made a thin aluminum plate that was 3/4" bigger than my backplate (a spreader plate) which worked awesome to keep that 100# OMS wing in place. No shifts, no taco, and it was cheaper than another wing which I could not afford at the time. The hardest part was the bend down the middle... I took it to a metal fabrication shop and they put the slight bend in it for free! I drilled two sets of holes to match my BP, and several around the circumference to be able to hook to (though I never used them).

But the best solution is to buy the single wing to begin with... then add another wing when you buy your doubles. Use the right tool for the job.

As for the "stuck inflator": As has been suggested, just pull the hose! This should be an automatic response no matter WHAT SIZE wing you are diving. You are not paying attention if you let it get more than 5# of lift in your wing and you don't notice it.
buy the single wing to begin with... then add another wing when you buy your doubles. Use the right tool for the job.
You don't have GUE in your profile, so no one is going to attack YOU for saying this! Funny ain't it :D
Part of that MIGHT be in the way I couched it as well! :D However, we do not allow agency bashing whatsoever, and are even less amenable to personal attacks! This doesn't mean that you can't disagree or even point out illogical and/or inconsistent arguments. We only ask that everyone does it NICELY.
Part of that MIGHT be in the way I couched it as well! :D However, we do not allow agency bashing whatsoever, and are even less amenable to personal attacks! This doesn't mean that you can't disagree or even point out illogical and/or inconsistent arguments. We only ask that everyone does it NICELY.
Yeah, you could be right. If I think something is a bad idea, I just say it's a bad idea.. I don't explain beforehand how to make a REALLY TERRIBLE idea into an only BAD idea :wink:
As for the "stuck inflator": As has been suggested, just pull the hose! This should be an automatic response no matter WHAT SIZE wing you are diving. You are not paying attention if you let it get more than 5# of lift in your wing and you don't notice it.

Pete, I think you mean to say "disconnect the LP inflator hose" this will terminate the air flowing into the inflator.

Also -- 5 lbs of lift above ambient pressure when added to lung volume makes any bc a floating cork.

A diving rig needs to be balanced with suit, buoyancy cell, and cylinider. Ideally with a cylinder or cylinder set with 300-500 lbs in it the bc should be EMPTY at 10 fsw.

Runaway LP inflators are very rare and are usually a result of poor regulator maintenace and poor inflator maintenance. Service those annually.

I used to do that to my children Jonnythan. When they were really young, I just used "No" and "Yes" to communicate. As they grew older and more reasoned, I clued them into my thought process. My discussions grew longer and involved more reasons why we do things this way or that. Go ahead and tell my son and daughter something is a bad idea and they are going to either ask "Why?" or rebel outright.

Even with my OW students, I feel it's far better to explain WHY, and to couch the "why" in terms that aren't inflammatory and that assume they have a certain level of comprehension. I would rather my students understand WHY it's a bad idea to ascend to the surface from 66fsw while holding their breath, then for them just to accept my edict that you just don't do this.

Different strokes, I guess!

Disconnect would be a better term to use than "pull". It's what I meant, and I thank you for pointing that out!

You are right about 5 lbs of added lift being unmanageable and that MOST stuck inflators are a result of poor maintenance. However, I have seen it happen on brand new BCs, so you should always be ready to deal with that potential problem.
well without sounding a bit sarcastic seabulley, jonnythan does seem to have a few more dives under his belt than you do, somethime the best thing that anyone can do is just LISTEN. but, i do dive doubles as well. trying to dive a 100# lift bc with an alu. 80 is an accident waiting to be flown to a chamber. before you even try doing this you need to get the proper training and the correct gear for the dive. if you don't, i hope that you have dan coverage, you'll be needing it.

Your just kidding right. You dont realy think if you use a 100# wing youll end up in the chamber, do you.
Rick Inman:
My wife just said that she thinks that my post to you was more insulting than your post to Jonnythan, therefore (so I don't have to have myself banned:wink: ) I apologize.

Behind every good man is a great wife.
Your just kidding right. You dont realy think if you use a 100# wing youll end up in the chamber, do you.
Well, considering I didn't say that a 100lb wing will put anyone in the chamber, I fail to see how your comment is relevant in any way.

What I said was that a big wing designed for the largest of doubles is going to suck when used with an AL80.

It will.

I prefer when my dive gear doesn't suck. Don't you?

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