Dork Divers Manifesto

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I am out of the loop do we have Tshirts to order? Please PM me so I will be sure to see it!
Thank you!
Sorry, Dave, I can't qualify as a Dork Diver for the following reasons:

1. I dive for work, not for fun (but it is!).

2. I like diving the cool, temperate waters of our kelp forests... but do love diving warm water, especially when only a bikini is needed by my female dive buddies!

3. I care about other people's SAC rates, but only if they are diving as my buddies... but then that's why I dive solo most of the time.

4. I wish other divers didn't care about how deep I dive... I'm tired of getting lectures. Unless you pose a threat to me, I don't care how deep you (the generic you that is, not Dave specifically) dive.

5. I don't use Trimix, but I do care about it... and will undoubtedly use it in the future.

Other than that, I could qualify as a Dork Diver!

Oh come on Bill, based on the above, you have been a qualified, card carrying member long before we started this thread! Just admit it, you would love to wear the patch (especially if the chicks dig it) but are afraid that Ken would laugh at you and call you a Dork!:rofl3:


PS The chicks do dig it! Right ladies?:D
You don't have to be oblivious to them, but it's a fine thing to aspire to as a Dork Diver.

It's not fun to obstinately resist rude kibitzers; while it's an acceptable place to begin, as you progress in your Dorkdom, you will become more adept at ignoring rude NDDs (when necessary) with basically no effort whatsoever.

It's like diving in relaxed, comfortable trim. In the beginning, you're practically forcing yourself to do it, but with time and practice, eventually you get to the point where you can just hover horizontally without conscious effort, and then your diving trancends into a whole new realm of relaxedness and fun.

(I'm to the point where sometimes I don't even do the internal sigh and behind-the-back eye roll anymore when I'm faced with a terminal NDD. It takes quite a bit to break my funcentration.)

Thanks for the advice.

I'm at the point I just plain don't like diving in groups any more. Last 2 trips, we dove once with another couple on Bonaire for a night dive, and once same thing on Curacao. Otherwise, just the 2 of us.

Perhaps I need to get better focus on funcentration. The selectivity of who we're diving with works pretty well but narrows destination choices. I'll work on it.
... Perhaps I need to get better focus on funcentration. The selectivity of who we're diving with works pretty well but narrows destination choices. I'll work on it.

Funcentration! :wink: I like it!
Here’s a hint on finding fun people to dive with, they would be the ones laughing and smiling! They a competent and skillful divers that enjoy the company of other divers. They don’t show off but rather proudly strap on the bowie knife, slip on the blue mask and yellow (blue, green, red or whatever color) snorkel. More importantly they actually enjoy and have fun diving!

Ummm... Teamcasa?

I would like to submit that, while we accept and appreciate snorkels (or the lack thereof) of all shapes, sizes, colors and function, YELLOW should be the official DD snorkel color of choice. I mean, does it get much dorkier than that?

Followed by pink. Other than that, I've only seen snorkels in green, blue and black (in descending order of dork).

I would also like to mention that I have worn my yellow snorkel proudly in the face of many NDD who truly have snickered and given me the look (followed by giving their dive buddy the other look). I was a DD, as were most of us, before it was cool to be a DD.

In fact, that might not be a bad bumper sticker. "I was a dork diver before it was cool!"

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