Donning a BP/W with crotch strap

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I really must be misunderstanding this discussion but it sounds as if the OP has fastened his crotch strap first, is trying to step into the strap, and then insert his arms in the harness. This would be somewhat akin to trying to jump into a pair of pants, both legs at one time, while holding them by the belt. I will go back and re-read, maybe after a cocktail it will make more sense.

you are right... that is absolutely what I did :idk: I thought you are not supposed to unfasten the crotch strap at all because the crotch strap loop is attached between the plate and the waist strap buckle. It didn't come to my mind that you simply use a medium sized crotch strap loop to slide it over the buckle every time ... now I know better. Thanks! :wink:
Arms through shoulder straps, take the weight of the gear, bend over, grab the crotch strap and fasten everything. If I'm having trouble reaching it, just do the "hip swing"

Another alternative is to step up to your gear, hold it and slide the crotch strap onto the buckle side of your waist strap and let the buckle hold it in place while you don the rest of the gear.

Finally, if all else fails I've waited til I got in the water a few times to fasten it if I'm having trouble reaching it or forget for some reason when I'm gearing up.
Thank you very much for all the input... I think I got a better understanding on how to don the rig!

Another question. Do you put the waist release buckle on your right or left waist strap? I watched the scubatoys assembly video and they suggest to put it on the right strap to provide a left hand release. The reason they give for this is to be able to figure out by touch if you have grabbed your harness buckle (left hand release) or your weight belt (right hand release). From the pictures at BAUE for example, they seem to favor a right hand release...

so, do you put the release buckle on your right or left waist stap? right or left hand release?

your help is really very very much appreciated!

You must be referring to these images.
Equipment Images

That is a standardization of the HOG aka Hogarthian gear configuration and is set up that way for a reason. Everything has been tested, checked, rechecked and modified into that form by some of the most experienced divers in the world. It is the configuration "most" back plate and wing divers use. The system is the one I personally use and find it works very well for our style of diving. To be clear, my buckle is mounted on my left waist strap, passes through the crotch strap winding up on my right side.

Peter, or any one else, would you mind explaining "why"? "That is a standardization of the HOG aka Hogarthian gear configuration and is set up that way for a reason. Everything has been tested, checked, rechecked and modified into that form by some of the most experienced divers in the world." is good and all, but still, any reason?

Thanks in advance.
Bubble, what is the reason for preferring the buckle side? Thanks.
Some people like the waist strap buckle, when tightened, to help cinch up a canister light that's mounted on the right waist strap. A lot of people also mount an extra buckle on the right side with the sole purpose of holding the canister light in place. Having the waist strap buckle tighten over on the right side might also help distinguish it from a weight belt buckle positioned more medially.
Peter, or any one else, would you mind explaining "why"? "That is a standardization of the HOG aka Hogarthian gear configuration and is set up that way for a reason. Everything has been tested, checked, rechecked and modified into that form by some of the most experienced divers in the world." is good and all, but still, any reason?

Thanks in advance.

The "Hogarthian" system was adopted by cave divers for it's simplicity, streamlining, reliability, functionality, etc. It works well.

They standardized the system so that in an emergency, you know exactly where every piece of equipment, every buckle, boltsnap and release is located on your buddy's rig, and can find it by "feel" if necessary .... because it is identical to your own rig.

See the DIR section of the board for better info on this topic.

Best wishes.
Some people like the waist strap buckle, when tightened, to help cinch up a canister light that's mounted on the right waist strap. A lot of people also mount an extra buckle on the right side with the sole purpose of holding the canister light in place. Having the waist strap buckle tighten over on the right side might also help distinguish it from a weight belt buckle positioned more medially.

Thanks, Bubbletrubble, but what I meant was why do you slip the crotch strap loop over the strap that has the buckle rather than the side without? If anything, it would seem easier to don and doff the crotch strap using the waist strap side without the buckle, while providing the same security while fastened (?) Thanks.
The "Hogarthian" system was adopted by cave divers for it's simplicity, streamlining, reliability, functionality, etc. It works well.

They standardized the system so that in an emergency, you know exactly where every piece of equipment, every buckle, boltsnap and release is located on your buddy's rig, and can find it by "feel" if necessary .... because it is identical to your own rig.

See the DIR section of the board for better info on this topic.

Best wishes.

Thanks Leadturn, I get the part about standardization. But the standardization could just as well have been left hand pull. Any idea why this preference? Just trying to understand.

I've noticed your signature line in the past, by the way. Nice! Which Dave Barry is this? The humorist?
Because the weight belt is right hand release.

Thanks Leadturn, I get the part about standardization. But the standardization could just as well have been left hand pull. Any idea why this preference? Just trying to understand.

I've noticed your signature line in the past, by the way. Nice! Which Dave Barry is this? The humorist?

I believe, without any real facts to back me up, is that the standard of "right hand release" for the weight belt is because most folks are right-handed. In an emergency you are going to want to use your "most coordinated" hand to quickly find and release the weightbelt.... :idk:

I have both my weightbelt and waist strap as right hand release. Some folks reverse the buckles so that they wont get confused; I just know my weightbelt is low, and the buckle midline, and my waiststrap is a couple inches higher, and buckle several inches to the right of midline (and I use differently shaped buckles for each).... works for me.

But you are right, it could just as easily have been a left hand release. But right hand release has been the standard forever.

Dave Barry in my signature is the humorist. He wrote a hilarious piece about his introduction to scuba, that is where the quote comes from. I think he should be hired to write all future scuba training manuals, the current authors are far too serious :D

Best wishes.

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