Doing Tech+Cave on a RB?

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Sorry to interrupt the current discussion, but I wasn't around for a few days. I figured everyone was through bashing me...apparently I was incorrect. :rolleyes:

Translation: "Look at me! I dive CCRs and trimix so I'm better than everyone else!" :shakehead

(emphasis by me :14: )
Who am I trying to impress? Does it look as if I'm trying to impress someone with amazing tales of my diving prowess? You said it yourself--I "have only adv eanx and less than 100 dives"; obviously I have nothing to brag about. Go over your post again, and ask yourself what you asked me. I never spouted off how much I know about rebreathers, and how many toys I have and how deep I've been...
Glad to know you've been to 270fsw on a CCR and have pictures of this monumental event.. I'll bet that plus $1.50 will get you a cup of :coffee:

So why is it that I get jumped on for my post, just because I don't dive caves or rebreathers? I never once claimed to know anything about cave diving or rebreathers...but I can still recognize "too far too fast" syndrome, and that was the only point of my initial post. If you have a problem with me or my posts, take it up with me--send me a PM and we can chat. There's no need to be a complete jerk about it in a public forum; it leads to me being a jerk right back (as evidenced by this post).

I now return you to your regularly scheduled thread. :D

So, why even post on the topic, if you dont know anything about caves or CCRs?

The thing you have difficulty recoqnising and/or controlling is your own desire to post when you have nothing to contribute. The difference between you and I is, A: I know when I dont know something and keep my big mouth shut and b: I actually do know a boat load about rebreathers and have some experience in caves. I never once bragged about what I own or do, the 2 rebreather and 270fsw was me talking about TIM, not myself, although I was on the dive and took the avatar Tim uses on that dive. you were giving him grief and I told you to stuff it cause you were out of your league.
really, what is it about the internet that causes folks to post when they have absolutly no experience, or knowledge, but then they get all pissy when someone with that knowledge and experience presents them with the facts. then of course its bragging, chest beating, name dropping. The OP asked if he should skip doubles and go right to CCR for his cave training, not if he should jump into cave training and CCR at the same time, quoted below
Ok, this is a hypothetical situation for me, as I do not own a rebreather, and I'm not planning to do Cave 1 and 2 anytime soon (Not because caving doesn't entice me, I am absolutely hooked on anything cave related , I just don't have the money ).
However, since rebreathers are in the long run a bit more cost efficient, and simply wayyy cooler to dive (they are of course also more dangerous, but theire getting better every year) I know I'll end up with one at some point in my diving career (if you can call it that).

The answer again is YES skip the tech doubles route and dive the crap out of a good CCR, then go for the caves. this will save money in equipment, training, fills of HE and most importantly, the health of your BACK! :D The true beauty of online forums is that one can learn from the mistakes of others before you do them yourself.
What's really sad is that the OP hasn't responded to any of this yet.
Rjack, you have mentioned twice a desire to dive constant Fo2 rather than constant Po2, this is completely defeating one of the best points of a CCR, accelerated deco, best mix for every point of your dive. I suggest you check out the article on RBW entitled PP math HERE Hope this helps

Actually I read about your conversion a few weeks ago. Didn't put 2 and 2 together until now though. Thanks for filling in all the deficiencies on He mixes in a 'simple' draeger.

As far as constant Fo2 (0 to 160ft or so), well shoot I know how to dive that way already, in my head, no gizmos.

Going completely head over heals to the opposite end of the spectrum to "best mix" at every depth (beyond best mix @ max depth), is probably more than I want to chew on all at once.

Which is why I'd love an intro to RB80 class. But alas that's about as likely as a Cis showing up in my stocking.

I appreciate all the suggestions and pluses/minuses expressed in the past few pages. I may just try out a Meg for a day :D
Dude, if anyone needs a cricket...

Be sure and let us know when you're done with Tech2 :mooner:

I would much rather try an RB80 but that ain't happin'.

I happen to know two Meg users, both instructors. I don't have the cash to buy anything like this anyway. But at least I will have tried something new.

Raise your hand if you didn't see that coming...

Ok, let me just start out by saying that I have no personal experience with rebreathers (other than a try-dive on a dolphin) but I, like I think rjack and limeyx have been lurking on RB-world for a while...

Anyway I wanted to say/ask something about the dolphin and he-mixes. The guy who let me try his dolphin has since modified to be able to dive mix. He´s not the only guy who dives his unit that way (I think his instructor did it first).

The above contains a lot of I think/IIRCs etc but I do now that he does do "deep" mix-dives on his dolphin. I asked a CCR-instructor(while I was doing an OC-course for him) about if this was a good idea (as it seemed to me like a simple/cheap solution to the limitations of the unit for deeper diving) he said it was a "bad idea" (though he explained it and used a few different words :wink:)

Do you guys think its stupid to mod a dolphin for he-diving? (flamesuit on)
Really the key element for me is bubbles = spooked fish.

FWIW, I have noticed that I was able to have more and better wildlife interactions when I moved from SCR to CCR. If you're after better wildlife encounters, the less bubbles the better.

Also, I didn't find there to be any more work involved in prepping the the Prism ECCR than the SCR Dolphin. And of course a CCR gives you more benefits than a SCR for a similar effort. But the various CCRs vary widely in their complexity and level of diver involvement required to run them. Some are much simpler than others, and of course some are drasticly more complicated than an SCR.

And I agree that doubles are a waste of time if you intend on going CCR and that more time spent on CCR will only make you a better CCR diver. Whatever type of diving you do with your CCR, you'll need to be comfortable and smart about how you dive it, which only comes from experience. Pretty simple. -Andy
What's really sad is that the OP hasn't responded to any of this yet.

After all this debate, he probably sold his gear and took up something safer like skydiving. :D
Ok, let me just start out by saying that I have no personal experience with rebreathers (other than a try-dive on a dolphin) but I, like I think rjack and limeyx have been lurking on RB-world for a while...

Anyway I wanted to say/ask something about the dolphin and he-mixes. The guy who let me try his dolphin has since modified to be able to dive mix. He´s not the only guy who dives his unit that way (I think his instructor did it first).

The above contains a lot of I think/IIRCs etc but I do now that he does do "deep" mix-dives on his dolphin. I asked a CCR-instructor(while I was doing an OC-course for him) about if this was a good idea (as it seemed to me like a simple/cheap solution to the limitations of the unit for deeper diving) he said it was a "bad idea" (though he explained it and used a few different words :wink:)

Do you guys think its stupid to mod a dolphin for he-diving? (flamesuit on)

You can take the flame suit off for a bit if you're getting warm in there. :wink:

Dolphin was my first RB to be trained on. A week after the class and a fun dive in the ocean, I started shopping for a classic Inspiration. My opinion is that back then, there were not a lot of choices and maybe converting a Dolphin was the less expensive way to go. I'm thinking that's why moved Ron in that direction. But he now dives a Meg because it's a better option and he was able to get the cash for it.

Today, if someone said they wanted to learn on a Dolphin, not a bad idea - lots to learn there and it WILL make you a diligent diver. Might turn you off of RBs all together. Others instructors have told me that they recommend if you are going to get a RB, get the one you will end up w/ and dive it as often as possible, even in the pool - great to learn buoyancy in 10 ft of water. I'm not 100% with that - liking the idea of quality knowledge versus quantity knowledge. But at some point, you need to stick to one unit and know it.... what does that rig do that others might not.

Quick answer to your question - I don't think converting the Dolphin for He is a good path to go. Not w/ other units that are available without costing $8000. I'm not sure I'd recommend the Dolphin for depths less than 80 ft w/out deco....

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