Doing it Ridiculous

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If you showed me a petition to drop the whole DIR label completely I would sign it.

I don't think that any of the DIR divers on this board behave with any kind of attitude at the dive sites.

I only get annoyed online at sanctimonious bull**** from anti-DIR people who don't know what they're talking about and I don't care how you dive.
Ding. Exactly how I feel.

But I'd like to know, exactly HOW does he know that these divers were DIR? Did they present their cards? Was it that they used the term strokes? Cause I didn't know that would be one of the exclusive benefits of passing DIR-F. I mean, golly, that alone is incentive for me to get my Pass!!!! You mean I get the 'exclusive' right to call non-dir divers strokes???? You mean they're the ONLY people that can call someone a Stroke?
Sign my @$$ up right now. [/sarcasm]
It's a very, very bad thing in my opinion to require a certain behavior. To encourage it, yes. To require it, no. If you voluntarily wish to ascribe to the philosophy, then there is certainly no harm done. If you make it a prerequisite to engaging in a sport, then you are infringing on people's rights to behave in whatever fashion they wish.

nobody wants to make it a prequisite, this is a red herring.

I could go over point by point of my disagreements, but I don't really see any need to.

please don't. nobody really cares.

You're forgetting this was in response to someone suggesting that GUE should displace, rather than augment, traditional scuba training. If that were to happen, then you wouldn't be able to change the channel.

nobody with an actual clue is advocating that.

do you actually have anything to say which isn't predicated on the existance of the GUE diving cabal trying to take over scuba diving worldwide?
If you make it a prerequisite to engaging in a sport
I'll stop ya right there.

Nothing about DIR is a prerequisite for anything except DIR. Some people choose to dive DIR. They may advocate DIR to a certain extent, but the goal of DIR is not to enforce its rules on anyone at all.

DIR is a system that some people choose to adopt. It is not and will never attempt to be a requirement for participation in anything except a GUE class.
Yet again, Easy spot. All you have to do is look through this thread, and you know who the arrogant dir's are. Yakking about how easy it is to spot a "stroke" on the site, then all but calling the original poster a liar. Trust me, a blind man could pick out a mouthy dir diver, no gear sighting necessary. They are easier to pick than a standard issue diver, equipped with death gear. They also come in two flavors,, Arrogant, and mouthy, AND, focused, knowledgeable, well trained. This type having to prove nothing to anyone. And are really quite pleasant to speak with, and dive with. You can also bet, that there have been PLENTY of these divers that have seen this thread, and have passed it by, not wanting to be associated with the latter type..

So true.....

In fact, this thread shows all that DIR teamwork in use.
DIR is a system that some people choose to adopt. It is not and will never attempt to be a requirement for participation in anything except a GUE class.
Actually, adopting DIR can be a requirement to dive in a DIR team in certain circumstances. We have a buddy that dives a rebreather that we said could not join one of our trips unless he had another rebreather diver to dive with. This call was made because we thought the safety factor would not be there. None of us have any practical experience with rebreathers (excluding 1 guy), and even the rebreather guy is a relative noob with his rebreather. And yet we will dive with him on recreational type dives because of the lack of a ceiling.
So many people with DIR-envy. Hey, this DIR is not some cheap slogan for marketing - it's the real deal. A guy I know was meeting some DIR guys for S-drills in 10' of water off the beach in Fort Lauderdale. The other guys had the proper 32% nitrox in their doubles - this guy had 34% in a single, although it was a 119E8 at least, so they made him pack back up, drive up to Fill Express and get his gas corrected. Then he had to drive back to the beach, repark, regear, and then they could do their drills. They're all members of this board too. There are some positive aspects to this GUE/DIR stuff, but sometimes it gets a little crazy.
PennyP - if you moved to Fort Lauderdale, you wouldn't have to worship George I from so far away...
hah, you guys have fallen for the oldest trick in the world: the ad hominem attack

this thread is not about DIR, its values, or its philosophy

it's about two (possibly fictional) divers (who may or may not be DIR) and their
(alleged) conduct as observed by someone who has a decidedly anti-DIR interest


ad hominem, did i say?

oops... i meant troll
nobody wants to make it a prequisite, this is a red herring.

please don't. nobody really cares.

nobody with an actual clue is advocating that.

do you actually have anything to say which isn't predicated on the existance of the GUE diving cabal trying to take over scuba diving worldwide?

Oh, c'mon, this is the statement I was responding to:

Originally Posted by Doc Harry
In 20 years, DIR (or whatever you want to call it) could be mainstream. Nine out of every 10 c-cards could say "GUE" instead of "PADI."

The Navy jet pilot analogy didn't work on a number of levels. I think we both agree that making GUE mainstream is a bad idea.

And I agree with you: I don't think anyone should really care how anyone else dives.

I'm definintely not the type who believes in cabals and conspiracy theories. :wink:
In 20 years, DIR (or whatever you want to call it) could be mainstream. Nine out of
every 10 c-cards could say "GUE" instead of "PADI."

he said "could" (twice)

didn't say "will"

i don't think it's going to happen, just like cave diving agencies aren't
going to dominate mainstream diving either

does anybody know what percentage of divers plan and conduct dives
beyond the recreational limits?

i would guess it's not a large percentage
Oh, c'mon, this is the statement I was responding to:

Originally Posted by Doc Harry
In 20 years, DIR (or whatever you want to call it) could be mainstream. Nine out of every 10 c-cards could say "GUE" instead of "PADI."


anti-DIR diver #1: if GUE did (blah, blah) they could take over the world

anti-DIR diver #2: i don't believe its right that GUE would try to take over the world!

You're basically talking to yourself, GUE will not and does not want to take over the world, next topic...

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