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I was a little hard on you in that computer thread. I thought my last post in that thread was a pretty good explaination why. However if you want a better explaination you are entitled. Would you like in the open or would you prefer a PM?

You complain about Mike's response to your serious posts and then turn right around and make light of Leadweights thoughts? So do we get to read Leadweights rant about you? Can't have it both ways you know.


Leadweight's thoughts were entertaining and enjoyable, and not at all directed at me. There was nothing personally demanding or challenging about them. We all enjoyed a good laugh.

Mike's posts, however, are directly aimed at me. I don't know what crawled up his backside, but I am not interested in being a part of it.

Once again, I think I've had enough.

Y'all go ahead and enjoy your bickering and ranting and all.

I'm gone. Seeya.
SeaJay once bubbled...
Once again, I think I've had enough.

Y'all go ahead and enjoy your bickering and ranting and all.

I'm gone. Seeya.

Kool Aid break?
JeffG once bubbled...

Kool Aid break?

Nice of you to show up for the final insult! Thanks for that... I really appreciate it. :rolleyes:

Nope, I'm going diving. Y'all go ahead and hash it out here.

landlocked once bubbled...
Double standard here. :nono:

You complain about Mike's response to your serious posts and then turn right around and make light of Leadweights thoughts? So do we get to read Leadweights rant about you? Can't have it both ways you know.

Just for the record. Mike's little disagreements with DIR go both ways and date back long before you were around. Don't take it so personal.

I am not going to rant about about Seajay or anyone else around here other than to say for Seajay's benefit that brevity is the soul of wit. However, Steven King writes very long books and it did not hurt him.

In all honesty, I am pleased at the amount of discussion this has raised. Only two people voiced concerns about my views on Spearfishing while on scuba. Mike F made some mention of meditation being used by some technical divers, but he wove some humor into it which tends to obscure the issue.

The concept of relaxation and diver performance is not new. Many experienced divers have mentioned it to me.
To all,

I guess I should apologize to the board. It isn't really a disagreement with DIR. There are actually a couple of GUE trained divers that I learned a few things from and it was a pleasure. Back in that computer thread I sort of pushed SeaJay a little concerning his decompression lectures and the secret of how to calculate a multilevel dive without a computer that he learned in his DIRF. He calls it the "120 rule". Well, no one else seems to have learned it in DIRF and I was under the impression most refered to it as profiling so I was understandably confused and left with a BS meter that was blaring. As a result I was unable to control myself and I failed to use better judgment and just let it go. I did it again here a few posts back when he told us of his persecution as an ambassador of DIR. Again that old BS meter just went nuts and I just couldn't keep my hands off the keyboard. I apologize to everyone for having disrupted these threads.

to become catatonic without being catatonic... or was that a gin and tonic??? Sort of the same way you fly: you fall and then just miss the ground. No one ever said it would be easy... only simple.
Sort of the same way you fly: you fall and then just miss the ground.
I had no idea you were a Vogon..
MikeFerrara once bubbled...
To all,

I guess I should apologize to the board. It isn't really a disagreement with DIR. There are actually a couple of GUE trained divers that I learned a few things from and it was a pleasure. Back in that computer thread I sort of pushed SeaJay a little concerning his decompression lectures and the secret of how to calculate a multilevel dive without a computer that he learned in his DIRF. He calls it the "120 rule". Well, no one else seems to have learned it in DIRF and I was under the impression most refered to it as profiling so I was understandably confused and left with a BS meter that was blaring. As a result I was unable to control myself and I failed to use better judgment and just let it go. I did it again here a few posts back when he told us of his persecution as an ambassador of DIR. Again that old BS meter just went nuts and I just couldn't keep my hands off the keyboard. I apologize to everyone for having disrupted these threads.


I don't believe you have any reason to apologize. If someone takes a stand on an issue, they should be prepared to defend their position. You were quite "diplomatic" about it (IMO). It wasn't you calling someone an A$$ and that you wouldn't dive with them. (I was just waiting for him to call you a stroke)

Some people should just grow up.

Just an FYI about the DIRF classes:

These classes have evolved (and are still evolving) over the last few years. They have made MANY changes to the class since the outset. What someone (like myself) was shown in my class a year ago may not be done now, and visa versa.

I just went back and read, for the first time, the computer thread to which is referred. It's too bad that someone from GUE wasn't there to help out with that thread, because in MHO, some of that rhetoric could have been avoided. I am not a spokesman for GUE, but I try to keep up on the classes because they are of interest to me.

Just thought that might help down the road....

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