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SeaJay once bubbled...

I think I'm just so accustomed to defending DIR that I think I automatically jump... You know the deal. I figured that your DIL was a mockery...

Maybe I'm just a bit sensitive about it. You shoulda seen the abuse I took at the LDS today when I showed up with my Halcyon rig and 7ft hose...

Accustomed to it? You just started defending DIR in the las few weeks since your fundies class. Just a few months ago you were comparing DIR to Hitlers bunch weren't you?

You go to the wrong shop. In my neck of the woods bp/wing and 7 ft hose is just dive gear.
Mike Ferrara once bubbled...

Accustomed to it? You just started defending DIR in the las few weeks since your fundies class. Just a few months ago you were comparing DIR to Hitlers bunch weren't you?

Trying to get this quote thing down. :bonk:
Since there has been so much interest about DIL here, I thought I would share my experiences at a DIL Fundamentals Class I recently attended.

The class started on a Friday night, after work. Right off the bat, we were told by the class organizer, a Mr. L. Weight, that DIL did not advocate a class structure in the traditional sense, because this was too confining and insufficiently individualistic. Mr. Weight said he would act as a "moderator" of our discussions, since we were all certified open water divers, and everyone's opinions were entitled to full and fair consideration. He explained that rather than him simply telling us what to do, we would learn from each other, with him as our "guide." Mr. Weight explained that DIL believes that every diver has a right to do whatever they truly think is best, and that if we were going to learn the "fivefold Way" of DIL, we had to clear our mind of all negative "engrams" from the DIR Thetans, and open our consciousness to the oneness of universal diving freedom from nasty "rules" and "procedures."

Instead of meeting at a scuba shop or classroom type setting, our group met at the local Hare Krishna temple, in the meditation room. With the lights turned low and incense burning, we were instructed to sit in the lotus position with our head back and our palms up on our knees, in order to better accept the "karmic energy" flowing through the room. This proved to be the first of many stumbling blocks in the class, as several class members expressed their opinion that this was "stupid" and made their ankles hurt. I was one of several class members who was completely unable to fold my legs into the required posture. The video afterwards of our feeble attempts to get both ankles up on top of our knees was both brutal and disheartening to watch.

After a few backhand cuffs to the loudest whiners quieted most of the complaints to sotto voce murmurs, Mr. Weight tried to get the class members to focus their positive thoughts on the "zen" of diving. He asked us to think about what was the "essence" or "meaning" of diving. Some of us offered our suggestions: looking cool, impressing girls, risking death, buying intriguing gadgets. With each answer, Mr. Weight seemed to have more and more trouble controlling his emotions. After the last answer, he finally could hold himself back no longer. "No, you morons!" he shouted, then seemed to regain his composure. "The essence of diving is to be at one with the water. This is the zen of diving."

Two people who I think were either engineers or schizophrenics immediately objected to this, pointing out that if we were to become "one" with the water, we would either drown, seeing as how we need air to keep us alive, or else we would dissolve. Three other people wearing sandals shouted them down, explaining that we were not to interpret this phrase literally, and how could anyone so utterly out of tune with their chakras manage to get through the day without seriously endangering their karma to the point that they were likely to be reincarnated as bugs or maybe even bacteria. These two groups began flinging incense burners at each other, and in the process struck spectators with errant missiles. At that point the fighting became general. A number of burly fellows then appeared from hidden recesses of the room and, rolling up the sleeves of their orange robes, proceeded to sling us all onto the sidewalk outside. Mr. Weight gathered us all together under a streetlight and told us that the first session had gone very well, and that we were to meet at the local quarry the next morning to further explore the intricacies of DIL by going diving together. When asked when we should meet, Mr. Weight explained that the time we met on the morrow would be sufficient unto itself. With these enigmatic words clouding my thoughts, I went home for the evening.

Next post: Diving DIL Style
That's REALLY funny!! I can't wait for the next episode....
MikeFerrara once bubbled...

Accustomed to it? You just started defending DIR in the las few weeks since your fundies class. Just a few months ago you were comparing DIR to Hitlers bunch weren't you?

Yep, that was me. I even went so far as to call the WKPP "The Third Reich."

But I can assure you that since "finding out for myself," and becoming more educated about DIR, and finally, adopting the practices myself, I have caught nothing but heat. I'm really sick of it. I'm tired of the looks, I'm tired of the comments, and I'm tired of really ignorant people telling me their opinion when I didn't ask for it.

Most of all, I'm tired of being put "on the stand." I'm tired of being singled out and challenged, and I'm tired of being attacked again and again by people drilling me for information. God forbid if I open my mouth and give them an answer... They immediately challenge every word I say and demand to know the who, what, why, and how of every situation.

You know, Mike, of all people to comment on this, I'm surprised that it would be you. I am really sick of you especially putting me on the stand. In the past week, you've challenged me at least half a dozen times with an attitude like, "Wait a minute... You're not making any sense..." I'm really sick of answering your questions.

I don't know what your problem is... I think it might have to do with some sort of insecurity that you feel personally... Somehow, I am challenging that or touching on it or something. I don't know... Furthermore, I don't care. If you have a problem with me, then so be it. Feel free to have a problem with me all you want. But I will not be a part of it.

From now on, Mike, I'm putting you on my proverbial "ignore" list. I'm tired of you trying to stir the pot for no real reason.

You go to the wrong shop. In my neck of the woods bp/wing and 7 ft hose is just dive gear.

Yeah, no kidding, Mike. Thanks for pointing that out.

The dive shop that I go to is the only one within an hour and a half, and the shop is brand new - recently opened by the guy that taught me my OW and AOW classes. If I want to be involved in the local dive community, I don't have much choice in the matter, save for opening my own shop.

...But that's the last time I explain myself to you, Mike.
On second thought I think I will edit this and quietly butt out. dadee de dumm :rolleyes:
WJL once bubbled...
Since there has been so much interest about DIL here, I thought I would share my experiences at a DIL Fundamentals Class I recently attended.

OH MY GOD that's hilarious!

Man, what a way to pick me up after that little rant. Man, am I sick of MikeF...

Thanks for the snap back to reality... With the use of humor... I can't wait to read the next installment...

They're a little short, though. :eek:ut:
SeaJay once bubbled...

OH MY GOD that's hilarious!

Man, what a way to pick me up after that little rant. Man, am I sick of MikeF...

Thanks for the snap back to reality... With the use of humor... I can't wait to read the next installment...

They're a little short, though. :eek:ut:
Double standard here. :nono:

You complain about Mike's response to your serious posts and then turn right around and make light of Leadweights thoughts? So do we get to read Leadweights rant about you? Can't have it both ways you know.

Just for the record. Mike's little disagreements with DIR go both ways and date back long before you were around. Don't take it so personal.

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