I'm quite familiar with the area where Doc was diving. It would be a very squareAdobo:As an example, when Harry says he did 47 minutes at 75 ft, are we talking about a square profile or is he describing an average depth? I suspect it was an average depth.
profile. I just checked some recent dives there, and my max was 78, 80, 84 on
them. There's very little relief there. I'm guessing 75 was an average, but it ranged
from 70-80. (I'd let Doc answer this, but he's off diving Pt. Lobos.)
I don't think so. The DIR guys I know do a basic ascent rate of 10' per minute, plus someAdobo:Typical GUE style ascent from an 80 ft recreational dive only really requires about 6 minutes.
stops, so Harry's 12 minutes would be about right. Interestingly, my DIR Fundies book
doesn't seem to mention ascent rates.