Do you smoke

Do you smoke? I am talking about any kind of smoke

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Ain't no fact Holmes!!!
Just a stupid inference based on an anecdotal observation of dubious or wishful thinking nature. . .

i will remain civil and agree with you that it is not a fact, as in, it has not been
established through peer-reviewed and published studies over a number of years

however, it is a fact that my SAC rate rose after i quit smoking. i can prove it to
you. it is a fact that i know several other divers whose SACs rose after they quit
smoking. this can also be proven.

at the very least, it is a fact that four people (including myself) can prove their
SACs ballooned. i have also heard the same thing from at least half a dozen other divers who have no reason to lie about this to me. on the internet, i can't count the times i have heard the same thing.

the evidence is pretty overwhelming. it seems to me the dubious or wishful
thinking is all on your dime. you can't seem able to admit the truth no matter how
politically incorrect it may be.
ihowever, it is a fact that my SAC rate rose after i quit smoking.
Mine did too. After 3 years its still not down to what it used to be..
Now was that necessary?

I'll bet if you had one, you would share his concern.

I kept thinking the world had issues being separated in East or West, Black or White, Christian, Hindu or Muslim, but it appears to be smoking or non-smoking!

I used to not smoke, then I started and was happy about it.
I used to smoke, but don't anymore and am happy about it.

It doesn't matter if you smoke as long as you don't bother anyone else with it.
It doesn't matter if you don't smoke as long as you don't bother smokers with it, who are not bothering you with their smoke. The last part is subjective and we all know ex-smokers are the worst knitty gritty commenters on smokers.

Every weekend a glass of wine is not going to kill you, nor is smoking a sigarette once a week, so there is no right or wrong in smoking or non-smoking as much as there is in drinking or not drinking. It's the quantity that matters.

I think the problem with a lot of ex-smokers (like myself) is that they don't feel acknowledged by smokers or never-smokers in their "huge effort" to quit smoking. That annoys them the most. To people who never smoked, they are just people who got it right the second time and to smokers they are just people who can't stop whining about quitting smoking. Stuck in the middle. I think they want smokers to quit to let those people know actually how "hard" and thus fantastic it is that they did achieve to quit smoking.

Quit smoking if you want, pat yourself on the back and get on with your life.
Smoke all you want, but don't bother me with it.

Smoke and let smoke I say, but be considerate for either's choice.

I agree to a point.
I was never a smoker
My parents were smokers, my sisters were smokers (only boy)

I married a woman who smoked, and never thought ill of her for it. I was not a smoker.

Then, she quit smoking... everthing was ok, and she survived... I began to notice people smoking!

So much so, that it really bothered me to be around smokers during smoking. I don't mind smelling it after, but I can now smell a smoker! It's really weird. I can smell when someone has smoked. I never thought about it until I was away from it, and... I cannot be in the same area when smoke wafts my way anymore!

I am not rude about it. If I can manuever my way out of the smoke, I do... If I cannot, I leave early... like, right away!

I just cannot handle the smoke any more. I used to say, it's lawful and their right. Now I say, it's my right not to have to smell it. But, it is me who choses to leave, not the smoker.
Although you quoted several posts, your responses give the impression you haven't actually read them. Rather, you seem to be responding to nonsensical strawman arguments of your own design.
To my way of thinking, you've compounded this error with your flinging about of such intentionally rude and disparaging descriptives as dumbest, disgusting and stupid, amongst others.
You write as if someone recommended taking up smoking as a means of decreasing SAC rate. You write as if a group of smokers were holding forth on why smoking was such a great thing to do. Actually, several non-smokers were commenting on something three of us have personally experienced AFTER QUITTING and speculating as to possible mechanisms involved.
You ARE correct that we're discussing anecdotal information. None of us are involved in properly controlled, double-blind, peer-reviewed studies nor did we claim to be. Such a study seems infeasible for a whole handful of reasons. I'm pretty sure I can be trusted to determine whether or not my SAC rate increased immediately following my quitting smoking. I am far from alone in noticing this.
Lastly, why exactly would you consider it "wishful thinking" to notice that my SAC rate increased?
The End Result doesn't justify the Means, in this case. . .
Simply my opinion & POV neo-Neophyte and I'm not going to apologize for it!!!
Your Smokers' Laments do not have my sympathy.

The Great Yul Brynner said it so poignantly on camera shortly before his death, for an American Cancer Society Commercial that was soon broadcast after he passed away: "I'm dead . . .please don't smoke, just don't smoke.. ."
The End Result doesn't justify the Means, in this case. . .

i agree with you

please do *read* what people are writing. no one is saying that the ends justify
the means in this case. no one.

not one of us.

not a single one.

I want to carry a can of fart spray around with me and spray it on people smoking around me. I figure if they have the right to spew smoke all over me and in my lungs then I have the right to do the same to them with the fart spray. Hey, at least the fart spray doesn"t cause cancer.
I want to carry a can of fart spray around with me and spray it on people smoking around me. I figure if they have the right to spew smoke all over me and in my lungs then I have the right to do the same to them with the fart spray. Hey, at least the fart spray doesn"t cause cancer.

Do let us know how that works out for you.
hi all
just want to add my 2 cents worth
me and my buddy both smoke it was our choice i dont want to try and blame anybody for it i did quit for about 12 months but slowly started again (again my choice)/ nearly every body i know who don't smoke are constantly on at me to stop. my father died of cancer 3 years ago he smoked for over 50 years and died at 80 after giving up in his late 60's. i'm only saying this so everyone understands i know the dangers i know how hard it is to stop and stay stopped. the thing with smokers is if they feel treatened or agitated or stressed the first thing they are going to do is light a cig it's what we do it's why the ad's dont work you see an ad that tells you these things are going to kill you the first thing you do is light up. the ciggaretts even have the warning on the pack you feel stressed you light up
i know i;m repeating my self but getting on our case dose nobody any good we light up nonsmokers get on our case more we get more stressed we light up again
i am very aware that we are now out numbered ireland went smoke free 2 years ago no smoking in any workplace this even means your own home if you have workers in . i try to be polite and will always stand down wind of people. we go outside to smoke when out for a drink or stay in the beer garden (which is not plesant in ireland in winter)and even still people are on our case.
i will quit again someday when i'm ready to so please give us guys a break

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