Do you smoke

Do you smoke? I am talking about any kind of smoke

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Whoops, wrong thread (sorry):D
every diver i have come across in my 13 years of dive does smoke. I am still trying to work out a quite simple way of smoking underwater :)
Babies do it in the womb all the time! :eyebrow:
every diver i have come across in my 13 years of dive does smoke. I am still trying to work out a quite simple way of smoking underwater :)

For whatever it's worth, I've worn a nicotine patch during plenty of dives. It's not smoking, but it was quite simple and I experienced no nicotine deficit. I'd never tell you there's not plenty of potential for danger there though, because I have no particular reason to believe otherwise. I never had any problems, but I was always well within recreational limits.

I've pretty much always loved nicotine though, and enjoyed nicotine gum and such when situations temporarily prevented me from smoking, for years before I even tried to quit smoking.

It's been a little over six months since I last had a cigarette though, and just under seven months since I was certified.
I packed a new pint-size ziplock with a couple of tablespons of baking soda for the day's vacation touring of the Indian ruins. At least I don't litter.... :D
Wow. I have just gone over some of the comments in this topic and I am completely GOBSMACKED that so many divers smoke. I personally have never met a diver who smokes! Besides when I was speaking to one of my instructors she said that she used to smoke but had to quit because a person shouldnt smoke the morning before they dive!
I am really pleased that pubs and bars are having a ban on smoking in them! ( in England that is) I can;t wait!
You should speak to a diving doctor or someone who has vast knowledge about smoking, lung capacity etc. I was speaking to a guy who comes from the South African navy diving team and who now operates a chamber who is also a medical doctor, he recons that smoking does not harm your diving or air consumption if anything it increases it. Just like it sounds stupid to thing long FULL inhales and exhales are better for air consumption rates than short ones.
I know a number of former heroin addicts who found it easier to quit heroin than to quit smoking....I read an interesting study on nicotine addiction last year that compared tobacco to crack cocaine; it seems that one of three things happen when someone tries crack: they are immediately hooked forever, they say "oh that was interesting" and go along with their lives, or they drop dead. One of three things seems to happen as well with smoking: they try to smoke to look cool and are hooked forever, they say "EEEWWWHHHH GROSSS" and never do it again, or they become a "chipper" was the word used, someone who can take or leave.....I started smoking when I was 12 because it was cool and my family doctor, who smoked like a chimney, nothing like a guy coming into your room while you are sick looking down your throat with a 100mm Pall Mall with a yard of ash on it telling you to say AAAHHH, used to tell nervous family members to smoke because it would calm them down, gave me the impression it was OK. I smoked throughout high school, college and the service, started to quit several times while a police officer, then got serious about quitting when the smoke nazis came out in the 90s. Although I have not smoked in a while if someone asks me I always tell them I am a recovering smoker, because it is like being a recovering alcoholic, the craving really never goes away....
You should speak to a diving doctor or someone who has vast knowledge about smoking, lung capacity etc. I was speaking to a guy who comes from the South African navy diving team and who now operates a chamber who is also a medical doctor, he recons that smoking does not harm your diving or air consumption if anything it increases it. Just like it sounds stupid to thing long FULL inhales and exhales are better for air consumption rates than short ones.
You should speak to a diving doctor or someone who has vast knowledge about smoking, lung capacity etc.

That's one sensible statement.

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